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I started writing longer form taboo stories because I got tired of the ones with really thin characterization. No woman in the real world looks at a guy with a big dick and immediately decides to fuck him. They might think about it, but doing it?
This is particularly true with taboo stories. If the characters are willing to cross into taboo sex without blinking, then what was the point of the taboo?
It's a much better story when we get to know the characters and understand why they are willing to cross the line. At least I think so.
The hard part is that it often means sex scenes don't happen out of the gate. My current story, Ghost Images, is halfway done and there hasn't been a one. Hopefully the photography scenes add enough eroticism to keep the story moving, but I do recognize that's not everyone's cup of tea.
But if you're fine with low level sex in a taboo story, let me know. I've got some stories coming up with a lot of sex and some with almost none until the taboo line is crossed. I'm curious which will be more popular.
The first chapter of Ghost Images was released here today. It's 12 chapters plus an epilogue and I plan to release it once a week. The story is complete (my Reamstories subscribers read it a few months ago).
This one took inspiration from some characters in Fanlon's Pinhole stories, though I went a completely different way (with his permission). I wanted to explore a relationship between older characters, instead of the common one with an 18 year old daughter. Katie's in her forties here and knows what she's doing...
The final chapter went up today. I hope y'all liked it.
I'll start releasing Ghost Images next week. For those who don't want to wait, it's available on Bookapy.
The final chapter of What Happens In Europe will be released next Wednesday. Yay!
The week after, I'll begin releasing Ghost Images. It's about a man consumed with grief and the lengths his daughter will go to in order to help him out (and is currently available on Bookapy). I think y'all will like it. Like all my stuff, I'm aiming for believable taboo with realistic characters. I'm proud of what I pulled off here.
Finally, all of these have already been read by my Reamstories subscribers. If you want it before it shows up here, that's the place to go.
Hey--I've got a new novella up on Bookapy called Ghost Images. It's a taboo take on grief and recovery. A man loses the love of his life and his daughter decides to help him no matter the cost.
This story's inspired by Fanlon's Pinhole novels, but thematically they really don't fit. His are sweet and very light on the sex. This one--not so much.
I plan to release this on storiesonline sometime toward the end of September or early October. My subscribers on Reamstories have already read it, so if you're interested in peeking at my taboo stories before they're available anywhere else, go check Reamstories out.
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