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Bebop3: Blog


Multi-Author Story Collective: Coming Soon!

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Beyond the Walls of Sleep

On March 20th a number of very talented writers will be submitting stories to Storiesonline that are inspired by their favorite works of gothic horror. Look for the Beyond The Walls Of Sleep universe.

The roster of authors is impressive, and they've all worked diligently to provide the readers with thrills, chills and damned good stories. Some of the writers are fan favorites, some are promising newcomers. All of them are enthusiastic about participating in this themed event.

I somehow fooled them into allowing me to participate and I'll have two stories as part of the effort. One is set in the Montauk universe and the other is a vampire story that I've had bouncing around in my head for a while.

I hope that you'll all enjoy the stories presented.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sullivan Corrections

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It appears as though the issues with repeating text and truncation of the ending have been corrected.

Thanks to the SOL staff for jumping on this so quickly!

Sullivan formatting issue

Posted at


It seems that there was an odd issue with the text when the story was uploaded. The original file is clean, but the text repeats itself for a few paragraph at the end of page one.

Hopefully the issue will be straightened out soon.


Story Worlds

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First off, thanks for reading anything I write. It's appreciated.

The Montauk stories should be read in the following order: 180 Days in Montauk, Betrayal in Montauk, A Montauk Daisy, A Montauk Nightmare, A Montauk Christmas, A Death in Montauk (coming in January or February), A Montauk Horror (coming in March).

A Montauk Horror can actually be read prior to 180 Days in Montauk.

Where I Belong is set in the same world as Contract Extensions. Princesa is set in the same world as Mr. X Games.


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Princesa, which should be published today, is set in the same world as Mr. X Games.

Just a note for anyone out there that might be keeping track.



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