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Chapter 63 of Victory Tour has been submitted for posting.
I also received an email from a reader here at SOL that he was charged more than $500 and his credit card info sold when he tried to register at my Patreon page. I assure all that I am not involved in anything like that.
For any of you who have registered at my page, I advise you to have your cards checked. I don't know what may have been hacked, my Patreon account or his card, but I understand the guy's outrage. I have contacted Patreon about the matter.
Chapter 62 of Victory Tour has been submitted for posting. Gary sure has a lot to deal with on a simple Saturday. Whatever happened to the days of just taking your girl to the malt shop?
On a personal note, minor changes afoot at work. We'll just have to see how they impact my side project.
Chapter 61 of Victory Tour has been submitted for posting. I'll submit a chapter each time I get one finished. Right now, I've got about a 25-day gap between what I've posted and what I'm working on. I need to maintain that.
So sorry for the long delay, but life gets in the way sometimes.
But Chapter 60 of Victory Tour has been submitted for posting.
There wasn't just one thing that kept me away, but several little things added up.
I think I've mentioned that the owners of the little weekly newspaper I help out at decided to sell. That finally got done in mid-November, then the transition took some time. That included moving to a new location, but I was out of town when that happened.
On Dec. 18, my family and I flew to visit my sister for the holidays. She lives in Western Australia, so it was a long flight. We left on a Wednesday night and landed at Sydney on Friday morning before continuing to Perth. I don't know what happened to Thursday.
The trip could have gone better. My ears wouldn't pop after we got to Perth, I got hit by a sinus infection about three days in and my mother was a right bitch the whole time. It was my fault for ruining the whole trip by standing up to her.
It started off with her throwing my tobacco in the trash going through security on the way out because "Australia doesn't allow you to bring that stuff into the country." Which is pure bullshit. You're allowed 25 grams, which I admit isn't much. But I was denied the chance to use it on the flight down. It took until the first Saturday morning to find a cigar shop and purchase enough to get me back home.
My argument was that it wasn't her decision to make. If Aussie immigration took it away when we landed, that was their business. She refused to see it that way. The point remains that SHE SHOULDN'T THROW ANOTHER PERSON'S PROPERTY IN THE TRASH JUST BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T APPROVE!
And it took me almost the whole two weeks we were down there to get over jetlag. I was constantly harangued and harassed about making everybody else late for whatever excursion was planned each day.
Then it took me another week to get over jetlag after we returned on Jan. 5. I still have nights where I'll sleep for a few hours then wake up for a few. I have yet to get back on my normal schedule completely.
Add in shit like Trump getting elected and the stunts he's pulled since taking office, wild fluctuations in the weather (the temperature has gone from high 70s to mid-teens to upper 80s in the last month, but global warming is a myth, right?) and my vehicle spending a week in the shop. It's more than enough to make a guy depressed.
Anyway, I seem to be coming around. Slowly. I got more written the last seven days than I did the previous seven weeks. I look forward to maintaining that trend.
For those who want/need more of the story, I have through Monday, Nov. 5 posted on my Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/c/Alured_de_Valer.
Thanks for hanging in there with me.
Chapter 59 of Victory Tour has been submitted for posting. It took me nearly three weeks to get the latest part done on Patreon thanks to everything I've had to do in real life (football and volleyball teams qualifying for playoffs, election coverage, etc.).
Hopefully, things will slow down a little now that the election's over. But with the holidays coming up, I somehow doubt it.
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