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Chapter 108 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary deals with more awkward questions, first from his mom, then from the other cousin. He catches up with Arlene, then gets to do yard work and gets an eyeful from Aunt Karen.
Downloads have reached 633K. The score ticked up a notch to 8.34. The number of followers moved past 760 and I added another new patron on Patreon.
Chapter 107 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary has a lovely wakeup call, finds out just how much Bethany knows and gets in another day of work at the pool. Then his little cousin snoops where she shouldn't and asks some awkward questions.
Downloads have reached 626K. The score again held steady at 8.33. The number of followers squeezed past 755.
All chapters have been posted on Patreon. The story is complete, but there's more to come.
Chapter 106 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Grandpa lays down the law and Gary listens. A little more of Dad's background is revealed. Cousin Kirsten asserts herself with the older girls. Then the older girls set things up for one of their own. Who will be the lucky girl?
Downloads have almost reached 619K. The score again held steady at 8.33. The number of followers neared 755.
All chapters have been posted on Patreon. The story is complete, but there's more to come.
Chapter 105 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary keeps an eye out for more info on his agent's legal issues, spends several hours surrounded by lacy unmentionables and finally gets to sign some autographs and pose for some photos.
Downloads have surpassed 611K. The score held steady at 8.33. The number of followers moved past 750 and I've picked up two ne patrons on Patreon.
Chapter 115 is in the can and has been posted on Patreon. That will be the final one, sort of.
Chapter 104 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Grandpa comes back to town. Gary receives a cryptic warning. Gary takes Morgan out for a fancy meal. Then gets to have dessert twice before shit happens.
Downloads have surpassed 604K. The score bounced back up to 8.33. The number of followers surged past 745, reaching 750.
Chapter 115 is in the works and will be posted on Patreon ASAP.
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