Firstly, thanks so much to everyone who's read this story so far, it's been online less than 18 hours and already at 4000 downloads with really nice voting.
A little about the story, which is one of my longest, although it was only meant to be a short story.
It started with the merest glimmer of an idea while I was on a short break in Glasgow, I was wandering around John Lewis and I noticed a man working in the lingerie section, this struck me as odd and the story was born.
As I was having my lunch in a pub (Shilling Brewing Company on West George St, a great pub with amazing beer brewed onsite) I took out my notepad and fountain pen and set about writing the story, I intended it to be about 5,000 words, but it kept growing, taking on a life of its own, and when I got home and started to type it up new ideas started to spark and the story ended a little over 27,000 words.
As always, unless stated otherwise all my stories are set in North Lancashire / South Cumbria, with dialogue in the local accent and local colloquialisms, but it should all be easy to understand.
I enjoyed writing it, and I love the Hanna character, if any ideas come to mind I may write a new story about her.