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Victor Echo: Blog


I believe the term is "Death March."

Posted at

For those in the software business, you have, at one point or another been on a death march. This is not to be confused with the actual death marches of Bataan or similar, which were considerably more horrendous.

That being said, what I hoped would be done by the end of May has been extended into June. I am writing this between listening to my recorded voice for the voice-over and starting dinner, so I can get back to my computer and finish today's list of tasks that have already spilled over into Saturday's list of tasks. We will skip the customer's complaints about Thursday's list of tasks that have been moved to Sunday. You get the idea.

This means, that any writing related to non-training material is on hold. I really have nothing left after cranking out 5000 words on value stream, or is it DevOps tooling. Improvement Kata? You get the idea. And then a week of wordsmithing it for the customer's unique environment. Can we use something other than calling it automation? People are afraid they will be automated out of a job. I only wish I was kidding sports fans.

I have not forgotten my stories, they are just sitting on a shelf waiting for me to have enough brainpower left to finish them and then clean them. Maybe in August...

Thanks for reading.

Story gone wrong - Updated

Posted at Updated:

The authors will understand about a story gone ... well ... sideways. I started a story about boy fondles girl. And it became a story about girl's mother saves boy from parental abuse. 20k of it. I have posted the story as it exists on my site at stores (dot) victorecho (dot) com under the name teenagememories. I haven't finished the story so far, and I am not sure what, if anything I will do with it I will not likely post it here unless there is a hue and cry.

Thanks for reading. And for understanding.

UPDate: 18 May 2020: Thank you to all who have commented. I will finish writing the story and clean up the spelling and grammar that might drive folks mad (so expect that it will disappear from my site for a while until I get it posted here. Between training and three presentations I have to finish before June, my free time is minimal, so take a look at any of my other stories here in the meantime.

For fans of Sheltered Life there is a quick couple of scenes with Joanne and Suzanne called A July Evening in Councilor Six (which I just realized is the wrong Counselor, so I need to fix that.

Thanks all for reading and your comments.

Story gone wrong?

Posted at

The authors will understand about a story gone ... well ... sideways. I started a story about boy fondles girl. And it became a story about girl's mother saves boy from parental abuse. 20k of it. I have posted the story as it exists on my site at stores (dot) victorecho (dot) com under the name teenagememories. I haven't finished the story so far, and I am not sure what, if anything I will do with it I will not likely post it here unless there is a hue and cry.

Thanks for reading. And for understanding.

Silk stalkings

Posted at

If I were to say Slammin' Sammy Sneed would you know what I meant? Yes, I used to watch the cheesy Cannell soap on late night and bought the DVDs.A series that went almost a decade (who knew) and the primaries went 100 episodes (look it up). Hard boiled in the 80s (love came on like a five alarm fire) and a noir finish (no spoilers). And all those golf references.

There is so much there. I hate fan fictions, especially when Cannell beat us to it, but guns, broads, sex, and lingerie. Can we get a reboot?

A Sheltered Life

Posted at

And like that, A Sheltered Life is done. Thank you all for making it my most popular story to date, and the second most popular overall. I did start to write a quick one-off, which I will post shortly, and my mind is already trying to add additional elements to the arc. We will see what comes about as the isolation drags on here in the Excited States.



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