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Victor Echo: Blog


New Story - The Cruise

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I have posted the first of six chapters of a new story called The Cruise. While the events of this story happen in a world before COVID (or a world without COVID), after a year of confinement, the idea of a week at sea on any ship seems almost like a romantic getaway.

Our hero, Rhonda, has lost her husband and has decided that she will use their previously booked cruise to reenter society. Along the way, she meets some interesting characters that if you have been on a cruise, you have probably run into in the buffet line.

The story had its impetus in a conversation between myself and one of my readers where I asked her what sort of M/F/M story she liked - double penetration or one to suck and one to fuck. Her preference was for the latter, so that is the type of story I have written, but not right off the get-go. I hope you enjoy it. It is an escape story (I needed an escape) rather than something dark or severe.

The story is complete, and I am just finishing up the last of the editing. I will post the following chapters over the next couple of days.

As always, thanks for reading.

Teenage Memories

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A hearty thank you to all those who have read Teenage Memories. Over the last few months, it has run up to fifth place on the read list. At this rate, it will be one of my most read stories. It might pass Paris. (Gasp).

Thanks for reading!



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I am constantly amazed at the reactions to my stories. Good and bad. I have been an author on SoL for a bit more than a decade. My output is not prodigious. Some years I put out three or four stores, other years, I barely manage one. A lot of that is based on the events in the world outside and how much time I have to work on stories.

In the time I have been posting, Luci is my most read story, and it has taken more than a decade to get to the level it is at (some 30K reads). Until recently my number two story was Rainy Night in Paris and it was down in the 4K reads. Recently I posted Sheltered Life and in less than a month, it became not only my second most read story, but also had more than 23K reads. What took me 10+ years to achieve with one story took less than six months with another.

Earlier this week I posted Teenage Memories and it is quickly rocketing up the chart at sits at number 14, with more than 2K reads. Several of my multi-chapter stories still are below 1000 reads.

Now, I will grant that not everything I write is literature. Most of it is shlock actually, but that is how it goes. At the end of the day, though I am touched that so many of you enjoy what I am writing, and continue to read it (and occasionally ask for more - I wish I could write a Luci II. I really do).

I have a couple of fluffier pieces sitting on my desk. If I can find the time to clean them up, I will post them. Or if something else comes to mind, I will post that too. In the meantime, thanks for reading what is already on the site.

Teenage Memories Posted

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For those who have waited patiently for Teenage Memories, I have now posted it. While it is posted in four chapters it was never designed to be chapterized, but SoL will not let me post that large a file without chopping it up, so you get chapters. I tried to make the breaks logical - but it is completely posted.

This is not like any of my normal stories. To that end, I almost turned voting off, but in the end, I left it enabled.

Teenage Memories Update

Posted at Updated:

For those who have been waiting patiently for my story, Teenage Memories, I thank you for that patience. I have cleared my desk and picked up the thread of the story again. It will be a bit yet to get it into a publishable state, but again, thank you for your patience. I will post it just as soon as it is ready.



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