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Chapter 71 of TML is shaping up to be a big, sprawly mess

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Hopefully, it will be a big, sprawly glorious mess, but it's too soon to tell. Originally, it was supposed to be four sections: one in which Nick finds himself accidentally hosting what looks suspiciously like a reality TV show, one in which Max finds out it's good to be the seneschal, one with Ainsley and Pilar checking out the stone barn, and a fourth with Simon and Quinn Quartermain. I just finished writing Max's scene and it's twenty-five pages long. I may cut it down or I may shrug, accept that this is still a draft work, and leave everything in for this iteration. As it stands, I think the first three sections could run to 60 pages so our Simon/QQ section would get pushed to chapter 72.

I was thinking the arc of Jesse being kidnapped would be resolved by now, but as I figure out what needs to happen before Nick comes back from New Orleans, it looks like it's going to be some time around chapter 74 or maybe even 75. I have Chapter 1 of Jester's Ransom close to ready, but I'm going to hold onto it until we see the full impact of Jesse's kidnapping on Nick & Company. I might even get a couple more chapters of JR in the can.

Special thanks to readers who quickly found the posting mix-up I made when I retconned Verity from seventeen to sixteen. Those chapters should all be back up and in the proper order again.

What's My Age Again?

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As I've written Too Much Love and come to understand better the roles I wanted various characters to play, several of them have gotten older or younger from chapter to chapter. Sometimes this was deliberate, but more often I just forgot that I'd set an age for a character in an earlier chapter, then reset it in a later one.

In many cases, this isn't story-critical. Connie Carlisle is in her early forties, but which early forty doesn't really change her role. Kiki was nineteen at the start of the story and had a birthday, but I might want to rewrite her as twenty-one just to make room for all the life she's already led. I think Pilar started out as twenty-five, but when I realized that her crucible should be the duration of her time as Nick's primary relationship, I bumped her up to twenty-eight and her cousin Inez from twenty-eight to thirty.

Other ages have to be set in stone (really hard to avoid puns here. Maybe next time, I'll write about the Abromawitz family.) Nick's eighteenth birthday sets the whole story in motion and all of his closest friends are also eighteen. Jesse is twenty-one and Threnody twenty-five because he needs to have been fifteen when she was eighteen.

Some ages are consequential, but not critical. Some are triggers to other events, like Nick turning eighteen. I have one character in particular whose age is both consequential and a trigger to future events. And when I realigned some major events in order to give Too Much Love an actual ending to strive for, that pushed part of her storyline into the future. That character is Verity Ferrari-Stone, Threnody's little sister.

In chapter 46, Verity is sixteen, going on seventeen. When she arrives in New York around chapter 57, she's seventeen and about to be eighteen, which doesn't work unless everyone else was traveling at close to the speed of light in the intervening two months. For a lot of this sort of shifting, I make a note to myself that the chapters will need reconciling in any future rewrite and leave it as is. My experience is that if I use every breaking change as an excuse to do a rewrite, I never finish anything.

But in Verity's case it matters. I need her to turn eigtheen in September of 2016 instead of September 2015 or Things Just Don't Work. And because I just got through posting many of the chapters in which it's mentioned that she's seventeen and about to be eighteen, leaving them there is visible and ugly.

But, on the other side, there's a material difference in Nick, who is a legal adult, kissing his (distant) cousin who is about to be eighteen on the dance floor versus kissing that same cousin when she is still sixteen. Or at least it feels different to me, the person who wrote about it.

So, I'm putting chapters 58-66 up on skids and reworking whatever bits revolve around Verity's age. Verity will go back to being the sweet, innocent, scheming, manipulative, cousin-kissing sixteen year old she was originally meant to be. I apologize if this change weirds anyone out.

I may owe an apology to roughly one in 10,000 of you...

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...but Nick's ATM code had to be something.

Chapter 68 is up for posting and should be available soon.

A defect has been corrected in staging

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Soixante-neuf. Big lick. Dinner for two. Whatever you call it, the number 69 has always had a special place in the hearts of pornographers everywhere and, as such, reaching chapter 69 should be considered a milestone for any work of erotica.

However, due to a planning glitch, Too Much Love chapter 69 nearly went to the editor with absolutely no sex in it. Fortunately, this oversight was caught before it could progress into production. Special thanks to Arwen who's pretty much always up to taking one (or two or seven) for the team.

Chapter 68 goes out this Thursday, chapter 69 next Thursday September 10 when I'm also hoping to drop Jester's Ranson chapter 1.

If I were in the habit of giving individual chapters taglines..

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Chapter 68 of Too Much Love's tagline would be, "If you quit reading because of the Nazis, you'll miss the strippers, the drunk lawyer, and the least rapey fraternity in Louisiana.

It feels like this chapter is really important to the rest of the book. If I do it badly, this could be where I jump the shark. If I do it well, it could be the accelerant that drives the story to the end of the book.

Wish me luck.



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