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Tamalain: Blog


Yes, I make errors in my writing

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There are typos and minor errors here and there. One of these times I am going to write a short and make as many errors as I can and still have it readable just to tweak the grammer nazis noses.

Thundering Knights Part One is now loaded.

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Well, it has been a rough year for me and mine so far, mostly medical so lots of Muse wrecking delays. Part Two is moving right along and hopefully there will not be such a long delay.

Thundering Knights, part one is almost ready.

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I finished the primary edit this morning before it got noisy around the house. Now I just need to listen to it and polish it up a bit. If all goes well, next Friday it will go up.

Still alive and kicking

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Some good semi good news. Part one of Thundering Knights is written, now I just need to do two final edits. One involves listening to it being read to me by the text to speak reader while reading along, and then a printed version to read and go over a final time. Hopefully, next Friday I will have it ready to post.

Little Tama has a dark and sad time coming her way.

Still alive and typing, slowly

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Thundering nights is slowly coming along. Wife,s health and work keeping me busy. My Muse is grumping at me to get busy.



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