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SmokinDriver: Blog


Hindsight 20/20 Update

Posted at

I had an anonymous e-mail today asking about book two. I would have responded but I can't send a reply to anonymous e-mails.

I have been working on book two and have written the first forty chapters. I am getting close to the end but have to work out a few things.

I have also just started sending the first chapters off to the editors. I don't like to post stories until they are finished because during the editing and posting process, I get to busy and too distracted to write. I will try to give a week or two notice before I start posting since I have been told by one or two that they want to reread book one. I will also be writing a transition chapter to recap book one and refresh the characters and who they are in the story.

I hope to have a better idea of the timing in the next couple weeks. I know how it ends, I just need to figure out the best way to get there.



Hindsight 20/20 Book one has come to an end.

Posted at

Book one has come to a close. Thanks for taking the time to read my story. If you haven't voted please do. I will be going back and fixing some typos over the next week. I have started writing book two and after I give my editors a break we will find out about how Britt handles life after college.

I appreciate the comments and helpful criticism.

Thanks to the hard work and frantic pace from my editors, Imagegreen, Erik Thread and Seattle 22.

Hindsight 20/20 update

Posted at

Chapter sixty-three has been posted. There are a total of sixty-eight chapters in book one. I have been posting one chapter a day for that last few weeks and if my editors keep up their pace I don't see any problem finishing up book one this weekend. If you are a reader that doesn't read unfinished stories, feel free to start any time. This one is done.

I have started on book two but will be taking a break to finish writing and start into the editing process before we start posting anything in the second book. my editors have been working hard to keep up the pace and they need a break. I have written the first seventeen chapters and don't have any idea about the total length and already see some changes I want to make so it may be a few months before book two starts to show up.

Thanks to all that have been reading my story and all that have taken the time to vote and comment.

Hindsight 20/20

Posted at

I was given a suggestion by one of my editors and that is why this chapter is extra long (for me). I have had a few people comment on the way that fuel taxes are determined for over the road trucks. I will leave it right now but may make some changes after I do some more research.

Thanks for keeping me honest.

Hindsight 20/20 update

Posted at Updated:

Today chapters 56 and 57 were posted. Fifty-six has more sex and so I threw in fifty-seven to balance it out some and progress the story a bit further. The transition from college to business is in the works and you will see more of the future revealed in the next eight or nine chapters.

The story was scheduled for sixty-eight chapters but I added one more not because I wanted 69 but because one of my editors suggested adding another twist or dimension to the story. My editors are working hard to finish up and I hope you can finish reading book one during the Thanksgiving holiday (Nov 22nd-25th for you non-Americans).



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