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SmokinDriver: Blog


Hindsight 20/20 Book 2

Posted at

I haven't had a blog entry in a while so I thought I would drop a quick note to those that are reading my story.

I usually wake up to a few e-mails from those that have read the latest chapter overnight. I woke up to many more this morning. My mind went to massive typos or something bad. In reality most have made the link that I had used a character from rlfj's story, (with his permission).

Thanks for all that are reading and I hope you are enjoying the story. My editors are working hard to keep up the ambitious posting schedule.


Reader Feedback

Posted at

I got an e-mail from a reader today that didn't like a certain aspect of the story. That is fine and I wrote a few paragraphs explaining why it was included in the story and showed specific reasons it was needed for the overall plot.

The problem was that after I sent the e-mail, it came back undeliverable. This is the same as when readers send anonymous e-mails and ask questions but we have no way to respond. Most authors write and appreciate feedback even though it is one or two out of a thousand readers that actually writes. It is great to be able to respond to both positive and negative criticism. If you expect or would like a reply please include a valid e-mail.



Hindsight 20/20 Book 2

Posted at

The preface has been posted for anyone that may need a quick refresher. Chapter one has been submitted and should be up soon if it isn't already when you read this. If you haven't read book one I would recommend it, as book two picks up and just continues the story.

Thanks to my editors and thanks for reading. The plan is to post a new chapter Monday - Friday each week.

Hindsight 20/20 Book 2

Posted at

Just a quick update for those that are waiting for book two to be posted. Book two is 48 chapters long and I just got back chapter 18 from my editors. I plan to post chapter one on Monday March 4th and then post five chapters a week. I'm sorry for the delay but I wanted to make sure that I didn't kill my editors trying to keep up the posting schedule.

ImageGreen and Seattle 22 have been working hard and think that we should be able to keep up the five chapter a week posting through to the end.

I plan to post a short Preface to recap Book 1 and some of the main characters. Thanks for your patients and for your encouraging e-mails.


Hindsight 20/20 Update

Posted at

I have gotten a couple e-mails about book two. The book is finished and came in at 49 chapters. The editors have been working on it and have completed the first nine chapters. I don't want to put them under too much pressure so I will wait until they have completed the first twenty chapters and then start publishing on a Monday - Friday basis. That should give them enough time to finish the remaining chapters without breaking up the posting.

Thanks for your patients.




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