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Sea-Life: Blog


Almost done and other things

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only 2 chapters to go, so yes, almost done.

I am working on a follow up story, but not much actually written yet.

Kudos to those who recognize the name of the high school.

Writing, or trying... I hear there is no try.(Thanks Yoda!)

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I am trying to write the continuation to The Gadgeteer, and also trying to write the next installment in the Asgard Space series.

Soo.. I am writing, but it still isn't feeling comfortable, and I have no idea how well I will do. There is a 2 year old granddaughter in the picture, who Grandma and I are babysitting 5 days a week. So weekends and late evenings are my only solid writing times.(and I can't seem to pull all-nighters anymore. Soo... I am writing... Yay Me!... but please don't get your hopes up, I'm old and slow in more ways than one.

A little late, but...

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I missed my self-imposed posting schedule by a couple of days, so I'm going to post two chapters today by way of apology. Glad you all are enjoying Gadgeteer!

Well, I'm back...sort of

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I have posted the first installment in a new series called The Gadgeteer that I have been writing off and on for the past three years. It is partially inspired by an amazing web serial called "Worm" by John C. McRae. I really liked his story but found the world he set it in too dark for me. This will be a twelve chapter "intro" to a much lighter world of heroes.

Hope you all enjoy, and the chapters should post every Sunday, give or take.

Still alive and...

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I'm alive, officially retired, still living in an apartment with my wife and our grandson Charlie.

Health seems to be okay, other than being on antibiotics at the moment for an infection from a scraped shin. Beautiful sunny day ( 73 degrees, which for here is a tropical heat wave) Still writing, sadly never finishing anything except the occasional haiku and some short poetry. Take care all, and hope to write something for you all to read one of these days.

Oh, and I do have my own internet connection, so yay!



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