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Sea-Life: Blog


Still Frustrated by my Muse, but alive to complain about it

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A reader here asked for a blog update, at least to confirm I was still alive. Since my last post 2 years ago was all about my heart surgery, I thought that was a fair request.

Obviously I am still alive enough to make a blog post. The heart is still working with all its new parts and my other health issues, mainly the diabetes, are seemingly doing okay - which mostly can be translated as my head is still above the water.

My wife and I left our home of 39 years in January and moved into a rent-subsidized apartment. Our soon to be 10 year old grandson is living with us and we are enjoying the new location very much.

As fr as writing goes, I've written the first few chapters of several new things, but struggle to go beyond that. I am almost finished with a Harry Potter fan fiction piece, but since it is more or less X rated, i am reluctant to post it, and plus i just can't seem to get the ending completed. I began writing it to see if I could write those kind of stories, and i think I can, but my muse holds those reins too, so we'll see if she allows me to finish.

So, to recap: Still Alive. Still Writing. Still unable to finish anything. Still wishing I could afford my own internet connection. The library where I usually go to get online doesn't allow me access to SOL, so not able to check things here too often. Still glad to see people reading what I have written. Take care, and wish me luck in finally finding the right bribe/gift/submission to my muse, so that she will open the gates once again.

An Update

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I haven't died folks, so there's that.

I had open heart surgery in July. A single bypass, a bad valve I was born with replaced by an artificial one, something called an 'Aortic Root', which solved the most life-threatening issue I had. Four days after that surgery I had a pacemaker installed.

I have been trying to write, but can't seem to finish anything I start. I hope I can break through that barrier, but needless to say, there are lots of distractions...

The Living and the Writing

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Well, two years since I last updated you all, and some were beginning to worry I might have died.

Well, I am 60 years old and have bad heart, but I am still walking and talking. Sadly, what I'm not doing is writing. I can officially say that anyone still waiting for The Winter King should give up the ghost. It is dead, dead, dead.

I still try to write, and am having some success getting back to my roots in poetry, but the stories just won't flow. I still stare at the blank white expanse of my open word processor and damn my silent muse on an almost daily basis, so there is some hope.

Who knows, one of these days, my fingers will come to rest on the keyboard, and my silent muse will stroke the back of my hands and whisper in my ear.

Welcome to 2012 - My Non- Apocalype

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Happy New Year,

So just an update for those who've been asking.

The Winter King is proceeding. Slowly, but proceeding, and with some recent increase in words per minute. (I know some of you are convinced its more like words per month)

I do plan more for Tales from Asgard Space, but have no new story currently started.

I am not currently writing anything new for the Worlds of Light. Story ideas crop up now and then, as does the desire to edit a few that didn't end exactly as I'd have liked, but so far, nothing.

I am working on another new story, unrelated to anything else, but it has actually gone on the back burner in recent days because of my return to The Winter King.

Sadly though, I have to report that nothing that I'm currently working on is anywhere close to being finished. Unless I'm suddenly inspired to whip out something fast and short, I don't expect to be posting anything for at least a month or two. This is of course, completely subject to the influence of my cruel, but beautiful muse, who is currently at least back in the room, if not yet quite up to anything like the old relationship we had in the past.



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