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Sea-Life: Blog


The Old Man Speaks

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This old man is still living, experiencing life as a retiree, and enjoying raising a grandson who started his sophomore year of high school today.

The good news is that after 8 months of writing 0 words, I have recently considered getting back at it, if only to some small degree. We'll see if that pans out I guess.

In the meantime, I still, and once again, appreciate your support. Thanks a lot!

Happy New Year

Posted at

Here we are, the beginning blush of 2023's dawning. Happy New Year!

I am sadly reporting that my muse and I are still engaged in a two-handed thumb wrestling match that obviously prevents me writing anything worthwhile. This blog entry is about as creative as she lets me get, the Witch.

She is still watching me dance around with my Greg Veder story/characters, but the dance is some sort of waltz, as we just keep doing circles around the dance floor. I'm currently back in Wildbow's Worm-verse, but a very AU one. My characters keep swapping powers, origins, personalities and point of view.

I am as healthy and happy as I could hope to be, otherwise, given my age and ailments, so it is with every sense of honest hopes for me and all of you, Happy New Year.

Nothing to see here. Move Along.

Posted at

Last blog post five months ago, I spoke of a sequel to Gadgeteer and that I was 9000 words into it. That 9000 words was crap! The idea was bad. A bad, bad idea that deserved a spanking.

However... The idea of using Greg Veder from Worm by Wildbow is not ready, it seems, to Move Along. So I continue to work on something with him and some of the character I created to go with him, so those 9000 words, minus the crap part, still exist. It has morphed from what it was to a Harry Potter crossover, then from there to a Fantastic Four crossover, back to a standalone, but without the Worm universe to give it shade.

Thus as you can tell, I've been spinning my tires, burning a lot of gas but not really getting anywhere. I also have designs on a Harry Potter/Fantastic Four crossover now that borrows some stuff from the MCU and the comic books and then blithely ignores the rest.

I'm really liking all these characters I've created (Greg Veder's crew)and/or modified (fantastic four). So that is where the gas is going, I hope your patience is rewarded, but I'm officially blaming all my heart and diabetes meds for a shortened attention span, even in my dreams!

Thanks again for your support. It is appreciated.

-Sea Life

Thanks for the Thanks & Merry Christmas (or happy holidays?)

Posted at

Thank you all for warm reception Gadgeteer has received. I hope your holidays are stress free and enjoyable.

I have had multiple folks ask if the Gadgeteer is tied into the world in which my Midnight series took place,and as that was set in my Worlds of Light universe, the answer is no. I am about 9000 words into the sequel, give or take some future revisions, but I generally prefer to complete a story before I begin posting chapters.

I can tell you that the sequel will be a bit darker, and ties the gadgeteer into an Alternate version of Wildbow's "Worm" universe, but this world doesn't have any of the darker aspects, other than a little more 'adulting', violence, etc. I am using one of the 'main' characters from Worm, the guy everybody love to hate, Greg Veder.

I do intend to add another story in the Tales of Asgard Space series, but that has been much, much slower developing.

Well, once again thanks and bless you all, but don't expect to see anything until well into the spring, if my muse gives me the material!

Not with a bang, but a wimper

Posted at

Again I've missed my self-declared intention of posting chapters on Sundays. I've just submitted chapter 11 for posting, and later today will submit chapter 12, which will end The Gadgeteer.

I am working on a sequel to this, as well as plotting the next story in the Tales of Asgard Space.


Considering it took me three years to write The Gadgeteer, I want to caution everyone to not expect anything soon.



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