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Another update

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Chapter 19 just went up. I still have a backlog of unposted chapters to work with. I had about a 3-week period where real life kept me from doing much writing. Right now, I'm putting the finishing touches on chapter 31. I figure that the finished product will have from 50 to 60 chapters, but that's only a guesstimate. If that figure turns out to be wrong, it's on the low side. :)

The good news is that after Thanksgiving, I should have a window to do a good deal of writing. I know what I want to write. It's just a matter of transcribing thoughts into words.

In the meantime, I'll continue to put up a chapter about every third day. Like I said before, Chapter 20 will go up on Sunday. But I'll eventually reach a point where my backlog goes away, and when that happens, my frequency of posting will necessarily go down, so consider yourselves forewarned. If I'm calculating correctly, that should happen around the end of the year.

Thanks again for reading, and for the constructive feedback.

Posting schedule, and a slight edit

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Chapter 19 of LIAB will be posted on Tuesday, 11/20. Because of Thanksgiving and all that goes with it, I've decided to hold off posting Chapter 20 until Sunday the 25th.

I did a slight edit on Chapter 17. A few readers pointed out that Patti's remarks during her valedictory address would not be protected under the First Amendment, since freedom of speech only applies to government and not private institutions. So, I removed the First Amendment reference.

Also, there was a recent story in the news about a girl in Oklahoma whose diploma was withheld because she uttered the word "hell" during a valedictory address. Obviously, the situation in my story is much different. But coincidentally, I wrote that chapter just a few days before that story broke. :)

Posting schedule

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Chapter 15 of "Lightning in a Bottle" went up on Saturday. Chapters 15 and 16 are a little shorter than most, so I'll move a bit faster through this part of the story. Chapter 16 will go up on Monday; Chapter 17 on Wednesday.


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I greatly appreciate all feedback I've received for "Lightning in a Bottle". The vast majority of it has been constructive and helpful. Early on, the feedback I got was almost uniformly positive. However, over the past three or four chapters, it has trended sharply negative. I'd like to address this.

Here are the three most frequent criticisms:

1) The plot is ill-defined and the story is progressing too slowly.

2) There is not enough sex.

3) The protagonist is unlikeable and keeps making the same mistakes over and over.

Let me say up front that I am not making things up on the fly. I know where this story is headed, and already have the entire tale formulated in my mind. There is a point to all this. It's just not yet evident.

Having said that, I do partially agree with point (1), at least based on what I've posted so far. This story has a very slow buildup. But bear in mind that some of the things that are happening now set the stage for things to come later.

As for the second point, well, what you see is what you get. I labelled this story "Some Sex", and I think that's pretty accurate. It's not a stroke story, nor did I set out to write one. If that's what you're looking for, best to look elsewhere.

The third point is closely related to the first. Yes, Pat is screwing up an awful lot - so far. Remember, in his other life, he never really grew up. He'll have to do it this time, and until he figures it out, life will keep biting him in the ass. I don't necessarily ascribe to the viewpoint that only an utter moron could manage to avoid being wildly successful, given a second chance at life with pre-knowledge. Human beings don't always handle sudden empowerment very well. Look at all the stories of lottery winners who squander away their fortunes.

That's not to say that Pat is doomed; it wouldn't make for a very good story if I had him crash and burn. :) But the next ten chapters or so will contain more growing pains. Chapter 15 will go up on Saturday; in it, Pat will make a change in his life that most of you will welcome. But for a while yet, it will be one step forward and one step back, and I will say that things will get worse for Pat before they get better.

Anyway, one word applies here: patience. The plot will reveal itself in time.

Thanks for reading!

Baseball stuff in Chapter 10

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For those readers of "Lightning in a Bottle" who are fans of baseball... the World Series game action I described in Chapter 10 did indeed proceed pretty much as I described it, except for the ninth inning changes I introduced in the new timeline.

Here's an account of that game, which I referred to while writing the narrative.

No, my memory isn't that good. :)

If you search "1980 World Series" on Youtube, you'll find numerous videos of that game. A while ago, I found a video of the entire ninth inning on Youtube, including excellent footage of the key Bob Boone - Pete Rose play I described in the story. I'm not sure if it's still there; a quick search just now didn't turn it up. One close-up angle of the Boone-Rose play actually showed fans seated nearby in the front row, right behind the dugout.

One might ask this question: In the new timeline I created, what happened to the eight fans who were displaced by Pat and his entourage? :)



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