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C'mon ... you really didn't think I'd send poor Pat back to the other timeline, did you? :)
I did truncate chapter 58 slightly to resolve the cliffhanger as soon as possible. The remainder of that chapter will be 59, and it might be a little shorter than recent chapters.
I mentioned in an earlier entry that I had some already written material in hand. It now looks like bits of chapters 61 and 62 are already written, and 63 and 64 are complete and just about ready to go. I'll probably move quickly at that point, and post them in short order.
At about chapter 68 (roughly), I'll arrive at the point where I hit the fast-forward button. I might cover the next 20 years in, say, 7 or 8 chapters. When I get close to 2007, which was Pat's send-back point, I'll slow down again. That's as much as I'm willing to divulge. :)
I still expect the final version of Lightning in a Bottle to have between 80 and 90 chapters.
One more heads-up: from the Christmas holidays through the month of January, real life will have much of my attention, so don't be surprised if the updates are few and far between at the time.
As an addendum to the recently posted chapter 53 ... East Durham, New York, where part of the chapter took place, is a real, live place. An Irish festival does take place there annually (and it did back in the '80s, too). Here's more info ... http://mjqirishculturalcenter.com/
... and also here ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Durham,_New_York
I do want to send out a public thank you to those who take the time to write and offer constructive criticism. Hopefully, it's helping me become a better writer. LiaB is my first crack at this, and I still have a lot to learn.
There are two frequent criticisms about the story I'd like to address. Some have questioned why I even bothered to work the time travel theme into the story. I acknowledge that I'm taking an unconventional approach to the whole do-over theme. Most of the classic do-over stories feature a protagonist who either becomes fabulously wealthy or gains a great deal of worldly power. There's a mindset held by a few out there that human nature is such that a portrayal of a character who does not set out in pursuit of obscene amounts of money and power is unrealistic. But who's to say for sure that's the case? That theme has been done several times already in time travel stories (and very well, I might add). I wanted to take a different approach.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that in Pat's other life, he was quite wealthy. That's a crucial consideration here. But he was also quite shallow and materialistic, and his life was unfulfilling (although he didn't realize it). Most importantly, he lacked intimacy. In the current timeline, intimacy became his number one aim, although it took him a while to realize it.
When Pat was first sent back in time, he stubbornly clung to the idea that he wanted to go back to his old life. (Yes, I know - that drove many of you absolutely nuts.) In a sense, he was buying into that very same mindset - that money and power were what it's all about. He crashed and burned for awhile, actually seeming to do worse the second time around. His transition came when he realized that intimacy was what he truly desired in this new life. This transition began in chapter 24 (the long one-on-one talk with Eileen) and ended in chapter 27 (when he rescued Inez from being assaulted). At that point, he fully appreciated the opportunity that lay before him.
I acknowledge that over the past ten or twelve chapters (since Pat and Inez got together), there hasn't been much in the way of time-travel issues. That's mostly due to Pat's current station in life. He's a senior in college, and right now, he's happy where he is. The band is doing far better than he could have imagined. Similarly, his relationship with Inez is far deeper and more intimate than he knew possible. Soon, he'll be graduating from college, out in the real world for the second time, and it might be reasonable to think he'll be more inclined to take advantage of his pre-knowledge. I won't venture any further into spoiler territory. But I'll say this much: any actions he might take will be aimed simply at ensuring that he, his family, and those he cares about are well provided for. If you're expecting Pat to turn into a mixture of Howard Hughes, Abraham Lincoln, and Superman, you'll be sadly disappointed.
One other thing I've heard a few times, going back almost to the beginning. A few have inquired, "What's the purpose of chapters 1 through 3? I only want to know what happened after Pat was sent back in time. All the good time travel stories start with the hero being sent back."
The first three chapters, you'll recall, took place in the old timeline. Pat was sent back at the end of chapter 3. I actually wrote those chapters more than six years ago. At the time, I'll confess, one aim I had was simply to do things a little differently. (My contrarian side took over.) My main goal, however, was to provide context. Given that we're dealing with two timelines that were different from the get-go, I thought the background information would be useful. Also, when the story is complete, it might become more apparent why I said as much as I did up front. That's all I'll say on that issue.
About my plans for the rest of the story ... early on, I threw out an estimate of 55 to 60 chapters in the completed story. Obviously, we're going way past that. My guess now is that the final number of chapters will end up being in the 80's, and that's pretty firm at this point. I do have a rough outline in my mind about how the rest of the story will play out. I also have three future chapters that I've already written, and I expect that they will be chapters 61, 62 and 63 (give or take a couple). When I reach that point, you'll get a lot of reading material in a short time.
One thing I don't intend to do is, without warning, suddenly flash forward to the present time. What I'll do instead is, at a logical point in the story, hit the fast-forward button and move through time a lot faster. Don't worry, I'm nowhere near that point yet. When I'm about to do it, I'll post a heads-up here.
Thanks for reading!
I posted here a couple of days ago that I was still working on an extra-long chapter 50. But the thing is, it was shaping up to be by far the longest chapter in the story.
And so, I got to thinking ... why not just split it up into two chapters?
And thus, it's done. The shortened chapter 50 (still an average-sized chapter) was just sent off to my editors, and should be up in a few days. The original second half of 50, now chapter 51, should follow close behind it.
I'm making progress on chapter 50 of LiaB. It's taking longer than usual, though; it's looking like a very long chapter. On top of that, there's a topic contained within that I needed to do some research on, which is also slowing me down. So, never fear. It shouldn't be too much longer.
I've posted the revised chapter 49, as I discussed in my last blog entry. I added a few lines of dialogue near the end of the chapter. I made no subtractions, only additions aimed at providing context. Hopefully, it sounds better.
Also, I'm working on chapter 50. I have some real-life stuff going on right now, so bear with me. I'll get it posted as soon as I can.
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