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If you have read this far in the story, you will realize that my feelings for my ex are complex. In this and following chapters, that ought to become clear. I hope you enjoy the story, there are 9 chapters in all. Stay Tuned!/Reltney
I'm looking for a new job. The good news, is I still have a job, so this is a "gotta get into a better space" job hunt, not a "How the hell will I pay the rent?" job hunt. Much more pleasant.
Anyhow, I bring that up, in order to ruminate about Sandra. When I eventually move along, she will no longer be working with me, to be the focus of my dirty feeble little mind. I will likely dream up new "adventures" featuring her, or the "her" of my fevered imaginings, but as time passes, she will move to the background of my daydreams, and other women will take her place. (sigh).
Why do you, my Loyal Reader, care about this? Well, sooner would be a better opportunity than later, to suggest some adventures for Bob and Sandra to pursue. I expect that my fantasies will be fresher, with her present as an inspiration, than working from vivid memories and half-forgotten fantasies. Any suggestions? /Reltney
While going through my divorce, I tried, very hard, to act in the best interests of my children. I believe that part of that is not losing sight of the attractive things their mother brought to our marriage. Among these things were not forgetting the good times we had as a family, and the addition to my life that, for awhile, she truly was.
One time, driving back home from a visit to her parents (an entire 'nother story, right there!), she began to tease me, and eventually we pulled off of the state highway and, parking beneath a microwave tower, had a romantic interlude. It was good sex, and we both enjoyed getting sweaty and breathless, each pleasuring the other.
For the rest of our marriage, whenever we would drive past that tower, we would exchange meaningful glances, and comment upon "our favorite tower". I'm a ham radio operator, and admire towers scattered about the county, but that tower, remains among my favorites!
That memory led me to the story that became "Road Trip Tease". I took certain liberties with the events, and recounted facts that I cannot recall. For all that, it narrates one of my fonder memories of The Ex, and stands as a beacon of how much, once upon a time, we loved each other.
Chapter 4 is submitted. Still dark, still full of hard feelings for The Ex, now with SEX! Criticism is welcome. Praise is welcome. Comments are welcome.
Once again, thank you to the folks who took the time to write thoughtful criticisms of the story. One correspondent pointed out that there was a disconnect between the male protagonist's pain and the requirement that the female protagonist produce a sex tape featuring the New Model. I certainly get that, although thank you for identifying it. On the other hand, perhaps it reflects the turmoil in my internal environment during and after my own divorce. As feeble as that "explanation" is, it is as clear an answer as I can present to the reasonable question of one of the readers, (paraphrased), of "how could that look like a good idea?" Short answer, "Dunno. Seemed like a good idea at the time..."
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