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Random Writings: Blog



Posted at

As somebody who was far more talented that I am once said, 'The report of my death was an exaggeration.' (No I'm comparing myself to Twain. I just like the quote.)

I am still working on 'The Private' and will post the remaining parts when the whole story is finished. Not sure how long that might take. I actually go a lot done this week but the preceding few weeks had no progress.

I got some good offers for help with editing but I've not sent anybody anything yet. I don't want to write myself into a literary corner.

Thanks for the emails of encouragement.


Posted at

My two editors have gotten busy and are helping as they can. So my next chapter is going to be delayed until I find some other help or just post without.

Still kiciking

Posted at

I'm still alive and have not abandoned the story. There will be more and it will get finished. Sorry to keep anybody waiting.

Found some time

Posted at

If anybody is interested I've found some spare time recently and have been able to write some of what's in my head. Not sure when I will get something posted but its in the works.

Thanks for the encouragement and patience.

Next Chapter

Posted at

The next chapter is about ready to go to the editors. Better slow and sure than never. Or at least that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it.



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