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For those of you who are still waiting...
If I can get it proofed in time look for something by end of the week and a follow up not long after.
I don't have near the amount of time to write I used to.
In the past I responded to each email I received, or tried to, soon after getting them. That is not really possible now for me but I want to say thanks for all the feedback for chapter 11.
In my writing process I am several chapters behind posting in case I need to change or add something to maintain story consistency because I added or changed something in a later chapter. So there is more written but not enough for me to post yet.
Thanks for reading.
I will have an update this week for anybody still watching for one. I will try and get something out every couple weeks now if my life doesn't get crazy busy again.
Thanks for all your support and encouragement.
I can finally see my life returning to a more or less normal routine in the near future. The story will continue sometime soon after the Fourth of July holiday. Thanks for your patience and continued interest.
I have been really busy and will continue to be be pressed for time for a while. The Private is not done nor is it abandoned. The story is just waiting for me to get back to it.
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