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I really thought I had finished telling Kevin's and Denise's story after they began college, but Denise shanghaied me recently and told me what the two had been up to recently. Then she used her inestimable persuasion skills to get me to write up their experiences. The story is in the queue.
The six kids learn about the true route to sensuality, trust, and respect, as they realized how the Program's design failed to achieve its goals wherever it was tried. Back at the high school again, school officials try to repair the damage that the resistance has done to the Program. But the forces of resistance have been mobilized and only await some triggering events to fully unleash them.
This is the final instalment. It's in the queue.
The "Four Musketeers" are now quickly becoming six as the kids discover all of the things they share in common. As students in their new school, Kevin and Denise are once again faced with the Program, but don't have the history of their high school junior year to have to emulate. Now Kevin gets his chance, with Denise's able assistance, to deal with the Program from Kevin's favored position -- that of strength. And Kevin and Denise now have strong allies who can help. Allies who also offer to introduce them to social nudism.
Not so fast... Are the twins fated to be bedeviled by the Program, even in college? The experience gives Cynthia a new resolve, fueled by Roger's Internet discovery. The twins find themselves drawn more and more into the Program, more than they ever had been while in high school and they find their experiences to be alarming. But then some new actors appear on the scene, two people who will give new life and purpose to the twins' anti-Program wishes.
Finally. The kids get a chance to learn about the Program's operation in other schools. But before that, they learn how others overcame their innate modesty to embrace the lifestyle of social nudism. Meanwhile, their school tries to make the Program work in the face of student resistance. And their new contact from another school shows them, in detail, what they were missing by not experiencing the full Program in their school. Spring break brings special treats and graduation looms -- will they be allowed to graduate?
Next instalment is queued.
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