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Ndenyal: Blog


The Vodou Physicist is complete

Posted at

The final chapters should be posted soon. Thanks for all your positive ratings and comments. Remember, I put the Glossary and Cast at the end as appendices so if you want to use the comment form, look for it at the bottom of the cast list. And watch out, the cast list might have several minor spoilers if you read it before you read the story. Cheers...

The Vodou Physicist - Completed New Story

Posted at

This is a long story; over 500,000 words. Submitted first several chapters a short time ago.

Quite a few of the readers of my stories have asked me to continue writing stories in my own anti-Naked in School style and several have even suggested plot ideas. While I really appreciated their suggestions, I didn't much care for the ideas.

But a nagging thought remained with me--how would someone who knows Vodou (not voodoo, Vodou is a religion practiced in western Africa, Haiti, in parts of Louisiana, and other locations too)--how would they react to the threat of the Naked in School Program? This story answers that question but goes much further than the NiS program too.

Posts on Mondays and Thursdays.

"Emma Comes in from the Cold" is complete

Posted at

Many thanks to everyone for your very positive comments and also for your high scores in voting. There was some kind of minor glitch in the text when the last chapter was uploaded so I am going to try posting it again. Nothing changed in the story; just one paragraph got a bit scrambled.

Thanks again, everyone. Emma thanks you too.

Somehow "Emma" got marked as completed--it's not

Posted at

My story, "Emma Comes in From the Cold," somehow got marked complete. Not sure how. Anyway, it continues with a new chapter appearing later today. I hope I fixed it. For those who wrote, thanks for pointing out the problem.

New NiS story, "Emma Comes in from the Cold"

Posted at

It's in the queue now and I assume it'll appear soon. From my informal poll of readers, a chapter will appear every other day until it's all up (the story is complete).



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