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Mister Arioch: Blog


After the Ever After

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My story "Fun with the Colte Family" was my attempt to write a multi-chapter story similar to the smutty Liverpool Press novels I used to read in the Seventies and Eighties. I'm kind of pleased with how it came out, considering it's the first work I've ever completed of that length. And I think I managed to get the feel of those old Liverpool books - a slow buildup to a total family fuckfest, where everyone's cheerfully enjoying the various depravities with each other.

In all those old books, though (and in my story), things just kind of hit a point where it becomes "see, isn't this great"? and everything fades to black. The End. Family loves fucking each other, and they live happily ever after.

I've idly wondered for awhile what the characters in those stories would be like a year or two after those stories end, though. What happens after Mom gives birth to her son Bobby's baby? What happens when Adam goes off to college and gets a girlfriend who's not related to him? Is Sarah still super enthusiastic to fuck her brothers like a crazed slut, or does the allure/novelty wear off?

It's interested me enough to dabble with writing some "Colte" sequels - one with Judy (Mom), one with Sarah. I'm focusing on some other stuff first, but I think these will be fun to write.

Thoughts or preferences of what you might like to see, if you've read "Fun With the Colte Family", is certainly appreciated. (Although I suspect few really read this blog, to be honest. But it's an excuse to work out some of my musings, I guess.)

Update from the Writer's Desk

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Couple of notes:

The next few chapters of "Listening to Jack" are still in progress. I think I'm on track to get the next chapter posted either at the end of this week, or sometime next week at the latest. I used to hate making guesstimates about when chapters might be completed, but I seem to be on a roll of late, so (knocks on wood) I think that's a safe one to make. These chapters should complete the last major story arc before things start heading towards THE END, so I hope fans of the story will enjoy what's unfolding in the weeks and months to come.

And speaking of "enjoy" ... I did notice scores dropping after the release of the latest chapter. I didn't get much feedback (okay, *any*) telling me why, though. So if you didn't care for the last chapter, please drop me line and let me know why. I'm not offended, I'm just curious. Was it because the chapter was shorter? The subject matter? Todd?

And since there always seems to be a yin to the daily yang, the emails that I *do* get are now "When are you getting back to 'Playing Ball with Mom'?" No, I haven't forgotten about my slightly ridiculous tale about oversexed mom Cherie and her perpetually horny sons. I just seem to work better (and be more productive) when I concentrate on one story at a time. As mentioned before, though, I write slow, so while I'm making some progress on "Jack", that means "Playing Ball" gets shelved for a little bit.

My current plan is to finish up the current arc of "Jack", get the next 3-4 chapters of PB done after that, and then move on to the opening chapters of the sequel to "Fun with the Colte Family". Time will tell how that all shakes out, though, I guess.


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Interesting to note that much of the feedback I've gotten of late is "the chapters are too long! Make them shorter!"

... and when a shorter chapter is released, scores plummet, and the feedback is "how come the chapter's so short? Nothing happened!"


Not sure what to make of that, then.


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Chapter 22 of "Listening to Jack" should be up shortly. It's considerable shorter than the previous two chapters, which I don't know if that's a good thing or not. But it is shorter.

Hoping to keep up the current pace of a new chapter every two weeks or so for the next few months.

I had surprisingly little feedback on Chapter 21. I'm hoping that's a good sign ...?


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I started outlining Chapter 22 of "Listening to Jack" today. I already had bits and pieces of it written, but I thought I'd actually (for once) try to map out the specifics of a chapter before writing it all out.

The bad news is that I realized - quickly - that I was headed down the same hole that I did with the took-too-long-to-write Chapter 20. Which is to say that while I want a certain Very Big Thing to happen in Chapter 22, there's plenty of other shit that needs to happen, too. And I can already see that Chapter 22 is going to be massive.

The good news? Unlike Chapter 20, I think Chapter 22 should be pretty easy to break into three distinct parts. So, Chapter 22 is becoming Chapters 22-24, with the certain new Very Big Thing happening in 24, with 22 and 23 leading up to it. The overall length will be the same, but I should be able to publish the individual chapters faster.

This isn't really surprising to me. My original outline for "Jack" was that it was going to be eight chapters. (Insert laughter here.) But I think this will allow the story to progress better than if I just dove into the chapter and tried to cram two tons of story into it.



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