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Millie 90 lbs of Dynamite: Blog


The Price of Lust or An Empty Wallet

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How is everyone out there? Hope y’all are enjoying your week. Been busy here, but I am most often busy. Just touching base with everyone and letting you know I have a new work up here and Bookapy (same story).

I put The Price of Lust or An Empty Wallet up here. It’s behind the paywall, sorry guys, and is also available at Bookapy for only $0.99. A loser geek relates his recent adventure at a strip club, where he’s taken for the ride of his life.

The dancer is attractive, seductive, and quite cruel. She leaves him humiliated and broke. But might he be up for more?

The Price of Lust or An Empty Wallet, here (but again, it’s behind the paywall) or at Bookapy for 99¢.

Just a Friendly Drink

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I haven’t posted a story here for what seems like an eternity. I decided I should probably put something up again. I’ve been posting stories on BookApy for a while and just stopped posting them here. I don’t know why.

Life has a way of becoming cluttered. Family obligations, a growing child, which Jo and I adopted several years back. Commitments to my community, charities, and church keep me busy. Yes, those who write smut can belong to a church.

Well, without further delay, here’s a link to my latest story about a man in transition. Yes, it’s one of those kinds of stories.

Just a Friendly Drink

Written in Blood COMPLETED

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Written in Blood concludes in Chapter 7 & 8

Excerpt from Chapter 7

"The Countess dragged a fingernail deep into the flesh of her exposed bosom, blood trickled from the gash, she lowered herself on me, forcing my mouth to her chest and the blood.

"Drink," she ordered me, pushing my face right into the blood.

The red fluid flowed into my mouth in small gushes. The moisture tasted different than I expected, a light iron flavor. Somewhat savory and ever so, flavorsome. A shock passed through my system, befuddled me, making such a rush of bewilderment spread throughout my essence - I consumed the blood like a drunk guzzled down a bottle of wine.

Waves of ecstatic bliss engulfed me as I suckled her essence, an ecstasy I'd never experienced overwhelmed my entire being. I desired more. I feared that in that moment of wanton craving, I sealed my fate."

Written in Blood

The Countess Drago shall return

Just Added Chapter’s 5 and 6 Written in Blood

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I submitted Chapter 5 yesterday and chapter 6 this morning of Written in Blood.

An excerpt from Chapter 6

"The days wore on, the rose petals continued to crumble, the dreams persisted, and I tried to fight in them. I couldn't let go of my thoughts about Michael. I thought his memory was all which protected me, from her or them.

Late in the night, with moonlight streaming through the broken casements of the old stained glass, I espied Alexandru. He wasn't, an instant later, he was, no ghostly arrival from fog or fire, he materialized, stepping into being - from thin air.

He scrutinized me with this intense glower. I wasn't dreaming. This encounter happened, and when he gaped at me with hungry, lustful intent, I surrendered. I had clung to my thoughts of Michael for so long, using his memory to shield myself from giving in to them.

I tried to think of him, but Michael wasn't in my mind. And for the life of me, I couldn't remember the line of his jaw, the shape of his nose, or the color of his hair or eyes. For me, Michael never existed. I lay on the sofa, venerable and exposed, I could not will myself to move, and the lust in Alexandru's eyes burned passion into me."

Written in Blood

Chapters 7 and 8 will be added tomorrow and complete the story.

Chapter 4 of Written in Blood is now available

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I put Chapter 4 up last night of Written in Blood

"I returned to the window, stepping into the broken, battered opening. I placed my feet at the edge, with my toes dangling past the stones. I took care not to stare into the swirling waters. Dark storm clouds boiled over the mountains.

They rushed across the sun, darkening the vista. An opening in this fermentation let the light through only for new patches to cover it again, blotting out its light and darkening the landside. A flash of lightning struck a tree across the river, and the thunder's clap hurt my ears. The heavens let loose, the wind-driven rain sprayed over my body, wetting my hair in moments.

I stood, fascinated, as the storm exploded feet from me. The rain fell in sheets over my body, and yet, I remained unmoving, taking in nature's majesty as a wild, unbound splendor inundated me. A bolt of lightning struck, a yard from where I stood, the water boiled at the point of contact. The pungent odor of ozone spread over me, breaking the trance."

Written in Blood



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