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Millie 90 lbs of Dynamite: Blog


Musings on the origins of The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus County

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Recently, I started looking up the mythos of Native American Tribes. I have always been fascinated with story of horror, those concerning the supernatural have always been my favorite. I don't know that I was looking for a new story when started my research.

With that said, for quite some time, I've been thinking of writing a villain as a protagonist. A rotten scoundrel, who's soul is filled with vile wickedness, who doesn't view himself as bad.

Last week, I returned to a bookmark from my readings and again read about Skinwalker. A being so vile, the Navajo will not talk of them. They don't even say the name, either in English or Navajo fearing they would be cursed for the utterance.

How can you not love something evil that just speaking its name is a curse all by itself? As this story unfolds the, 'Present Day' portions are chronological, while the flashbacks may end up all over the place. The first and second parts (Episodes) are mostly flashback. After that, the flashbacks are secondary to the here and now.

Special note: There is no County named Spiny Cactus in Arizona.

Enjoy: The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus County

The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus County

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Episode One: -S-K-I-N-W-A-L-K-E-R-
"Beware the one who walks like an animal."

Skinwalker joins with young Thornton Lang, and a lifelong partnership is born. Thorn's powers are revealed to him, and he begins a journey into the darkest regions of his own soul. Preforming the most unspeakable acts. Thorn Lang acquires power by consuming the souls of his victims. He gobbles life in rushed bites, taking what he desires from who he wants. For him, love, lust, and hate is singular, all her one and same.

The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus County

Again with Molly’s Rapturous Embrace

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I made a few, minor changes, formatting being one, and took out the song lyrics so that Gracey Slick doesn't come after my black butt! I also found and fixed a couple of typos.

If you haven't read it yet, this one isn't my normal type of story. A little softer, still I hope erotic and sexy, or is that the same thing?

"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly.

Molly's Rapturous Embrace

Molly’s Rapturous Embrace by Millie Dynamite

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Submitted for your approval. Portrait of a night of debauchery, John is an aptly named businessman, unwinding after a tough day of selling widgets when he spots a dark beauty who likewise is selling her wares. John is a man who craves excitement, a brief freedom from the dull routine from the prison of life. A fling outside the matrimonial bed - a night of lusty rutting so exquisite that his existence can, for a moment at least, be lifted out of the ordinary.
She calls herself LaTonya, a comely ebony spider loitering at the center of her web, anxious for the telltale plucking of a silken strand. Her signal that a juicy fly is ready for her to devour. She'll sprinkle on spice and seasoning, then take an arm followed by a leg, then gobble the whole thing down.

Molly's Rapturous Embrace

Black Puma - Cat's Claw - Cold as Ice (Final Chapter)

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The Finale Chapter has arrived. The battle begins as two women square off against each other, one represents Law and Order, the other the Criminal Empire of Jason Griggs. It has come down to one finale match. Can Black Puma be victorious, or will the Gang leader Jason Griggs's strangle hold on La La Land Continue?

I have enjoyed making this story available for you to read here. The exclusivity clause in my contract with my publisher on this tale expired last year. This made it possible to put it here for you to enjoy.

If you haven't read it yet, start at the beginning Black Puma - Cat's Claw



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