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MattHHelm: Blog


The Next Chapter.

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What can I say, it's delayed. Just a little. And there will be yet another surprise. I hope you think it's worth the wait. In the meantime I've picked up a new editor, Pepere and he's graciously re-edited the story. I will be submitting them today. Thanks for your continued interest in the story.


We're back for the new year. Ch. 16 posted.

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Still catching up on grading. But did get two chapters done. So I'm covered for now. For those fans of RoustWriter, Eugene will soon be interacting with the characters of Jeff and Arlene, the Mega Story that's on Chapter 260 of Book 3!!! If you haven't read it, you don't know what you're missing. It's an amazing story!

Thanks for stopping by to check on me. I'm doing well. Wife is getting around a little better now. It's just the transfer from bed to wheelchair that is the crunch.

Grandson (#12) born Christmas Day. Did NOT need open heart surgery! Went home after 3 days in PICU. His 2 Sisters, Mom and he came over to visit the invalid Big Mama and her servant yesterday. He's growing and very observant of his surroundings.

Happy New Year!

Missed another deadline...

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Apologies to all who are anxiously waiting for the next installment. Christmas holiday very busy, including birth of 12th grandchild on Christmas Day!

I have the chapter running through my head. I have a collaboration with another SOL author in this chapter. I say collaboraation, but actually it was permission to enter his world as long as I keep to the character of his actors.

I also have a lot of submissions to my online courses that I have to grade, so it may not be until after the holidays. I also have to give time for my editors to do their thing, too. Many happy returns of this holiday season. Deck the halls and fa, la, la (yep I forgot the words, too.)

Chapter 15 posted - Necessary break

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Here it is, the latest installment. Disaster struck at home, my graceful gazelle was headed out the back porch at dark thirty to feed the rabbits when she slipped. Her leg went sideways, and she broke a portion of her tibial plateau. That's the top of the larger bone in the lower leg. IT supports all the weight. She spent 5 days in the hospital and is now fixed up.
The bad news is, I'm the home health care nurse for the next three weeks. We have a ramp built for her access(probably stronger than the house itself...) so we will be able to get around. Right now she's weak so i need to be present. End of term duties are going to take up a lot of my time, as are my administrative duties on the LMS(online learning management system)[Moodle if you are familiar]
All of this to say it might be a while before I can post the continuation of the story. Dear readers, please be patient. There is more in there that screams to come out. If I don't see you before then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Happy Kwanza, and I already wished Happy Hanukkah to my friends, but I also send it out to my readers as well. May Allah protect you, may Yahweh guide you as the God of our fathers protected and guided Abraham.

Almost missed todays post. Chapter 14 posted.

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End of term coming. Almost missed the post. Another borrowed idea with a twist from Old Man with a Pen. If you haven't delved into his work, DO IT!!! Hero is Vegas Bound ala 1967!
Have fun. Send in those corrections for the things we missed. It's great to have so many help with the story.




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