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MattHHelm: Blog


They're Baaaackk

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Yep, they're back! The next installment of Pocket Watch will be posted.....

Thanks for your patience with me. I'm typing as fast as I can and Pepere is editing even quicker so hopefully in a short time we will have closure to pocket watch.
As always, thanks to Old Man with a Pen and Roustwriter for the permission to bring my characters into their worlds, or is it the other way around. Yep.

Thank you.

Posted at

I just finished looking through the awards list. When I began Waco I just thought I'd have a little fun in the same vein as cmsix and aubie56. Never in a million years did I dream that you all would honor me with the Cliteride Award. I am humbled.

I am also glad that I could write something that people would want to read. The many hours spent figuring out names and places was well worth it. I know it gave many a chuckle (although there were a couple of "Aw come on now's).

I haven't done any writing for the last few months and I know I have to come to an end to Pocket Watch. I'm working on it. It's been a privilege to work with or in Old Man with a Pen's world and RoustWriter's domain. Once that's done, I'll be taking an extended sabbatical. If and when i do come back, I will be posting so my story is listed close to Roust's continuation of Jeff and Arlene. I'll keep within my genre but will no longer include sex scenes. Pocket Watch's success has shown I can make it without that. I'll leave more to the reader's imagination, just like they used to do.

For now, as always, Goodnight and may God bless.


Chapter 19 is in the queue

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Nineteen has been submitted and will be online shortly. Enjoy and thanks again for reading.



Posted at

OMG, my Medicare card came yesterday. I'm officially an Old Fart, no wait, he's an author here. I guess I'll have to think of a new name. ;p
Almost done with chapter 19. Might even have it done by the weekend, but then I'll need to get my editor on it.
In the meantime, don't forget to check out the other Saga's.

Looking ahead, I really need to take some time off, to work on that LONG as in Epic novel. You can expect a followup short story like return of the gunslinger. We'll see. No working title yet. Probably be five 7500 word chapters again.

Also I want to send out a thanks for those who nominated Waco Book III for Erotic Western. I think all of us who write appreciate the thoughtful consideration you give us. Enjoy.

Goodnight and may God Bless.

Chapter 18 up now and thank you.

Posted at

Back to Waco for a bit. A pregnancy is impending, Another visit to Jeff is needed.

I want to thank those of you who nominated me for Author and Waco for Long Story. It is a great honor just to receive the nominations. I hope I can live up to that by continuing to write stories that capture your imagination and heart.
For now, Goodnight and may God bless.



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