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Mark Gander: Blog


Internet restored!

Posted at

My internet was out for about two and a half weeks, which is a long ass time for an online smut writer, alas. I have a serious backlog of stories to work on under my various pen names, so I appreciate your patience.

On the plus, I got a lot of ideas for stories, courtesy of my autism/ADHD. Lol. I look forward to posting a lot more in the near future.

Power finally restored! Yay!

Posted at

So, yeah, there's naturally a backlog of stories and crap, even more than before. Thank you for your patience. This hurricane has been a real nail-biter, folks. On the other hand, I've seen just how caring and kind people really kind can be, as well as how nasty they can be, come to think of it.

Hurricane Beryl

Posted at

As I currently live in the path of Hurricane Beryl, I don't know how much of Chapter 30 I can get written due to possible power outages. I apologize about any delays. I hope all of you are safe out there.

Internet finally back!

Posted at

My internet was out completely for almost a week, so I'm glad that it's finally back and I can resume posting on so many backlogged stories, old and new. Thank you for bearing with me. I have so much to do now and there never seems to be enough time to do it all.

After a little break, in part due to sickness..

Posted at

....I am back at work, with plenty of ideas to resume my established stories, as well as eventually write new ones. I have the plot bunnies for the new ones, but am trying to continue and complete the older ones first, in spite of any ADHD tendencies I might have (I have ADHD, autism, and a few other such conditions, including clinical depression at times).

By the way, for those who want to let God off the hook for things with the free will cop-out, just remember, with ultimate power comes ultimate responsibility. Now, I personally am an atheist, but if you want to believe that God exists and he's omnipotent, free will is such a flimsy dodge given that he can clearly take it away and apparently plans to do so after a while, anyway.

But enough of that. I live in the real world, even if I write some wild fantasy. Face it, if God were as I wrote him, he'd be a helluva lot better dude than the one presented in the Bible. Just sayin'. Don't @ me.

I mean, come on...isn't a God who makes sin, Hell, atonement, repentance, and other such notions obsolete while encouraging people to achieve more a better version of a Deity than one caught up in Bronze Age morals and values, stuck in commandments that don't even prohibit slavery or genocide? Just sayin'.

Yeah, I've been watching Aron-Ra a lot. So sue me.



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