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LughIldanach: Blog


New complete version of Honeys After the Honeymoon

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Just completed the last chapter, and did an overall edit. of Honeys After the Honeymoon, sequel to I Left My Heart, and Her Vibrator, in San Francisco. I do hope for feedback on what I did right, as even incomplete, it received the highest votes of any story of mine.

The prequel is indeed drawn from Honeymoon #1 with Wife #2, and has a very large true content -- a vibrator was left, and, with the savoir faire of the Sheraton Fisherman's Wharf, returned in good order, garnished with mints. Every character is, to some extent, based on a real person. This story has more fantasy, although those of you who have lived in DC will recognize quite a bit. Will there be a sequel? The possibility exists.

Thanks for the previous votes.

The Agony and the Ecstasy

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Nothing kinky, although it was a biography of Michelangelo.

I'm thinking of how my recent posts are getting almost as many 1/2 as 10s, with most normally distributed in the higher range.

Comments are much more useful.

Starting and restartmg stuff

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Crossing fingers, I'm dealing with the reverse of writer's block, partially due to improved physical health. A couple of days ago, I had a new sleep study with a different sleep lab, and they found significant problems for which my machine can be adjusted. I hope that will happen tomorrow and I'll have a lot more energy.

As Tony Tiger points out on his blog, scores can be incomprehensible, but comments may be a lot more informative. I owe a lot of thanks to Tony and to Steven Seven, not that we write about quite the same thing, but we've been mutual sounding boards. Less interactively, I also get lots of ideas from Millie, Paige Hawthorne, Mage, Auguy86, and GYounger.

My SOL writing benefits my psychotherapy in several ways. First, it's simply satisfying to be producing content, not all of which is published yet. Second, it's a very good mechanism to explore what-if/do-over with my therapist.

So what am I doing, in old and new universes/series? Let me note that I lost my draft Word files, so I hope to find a way to pull down some finished or in-progress HTML and put them into editable Word.

New universe: Registered Courtesans. Not absolutely faithful to the years and history as is the Ask Not JFK alt-history, but close enough, to things that generally were in my life from age 14-16. Some things aren't perfectly accurate -- there were no miniskirts or stiletto heels in my actual junior high, and I won't have that!

Under this universe,
Series 1: La Cosa Sua
Story 1: The Godgranddaughter (9 chapters, complete, being posted)
Story 2: The Godgranddaughter's Lover (In progress. Probably 6 chapters. About 3 stable)
Series 2: Bonobo Project and the Workman Mansion (well-developed. I think I'll start posting although not all chapters are done.)

Under the Ask Not universe (JFK), the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis story is posted. Part of 1963, involving Vietnam and Civil Rights, is up. I need to go back to Chapter 10 or so to fix some inconsistencies, and then flesh out the rest of the year. It shares a lot with the universe above, but is not identical.

A strry in the Sexual Revolutionaries universe needs a finishing chapter or three, as well as its Le Marquis series. This will pick up themes of polyamory and friendly sex business. These do build from my second marriage but have a lot of do-over, which is very therapeutic for me. Things might have been a lot better for us, and sexier for everyone.

Feedback on priorities is welcome.

I'm not sure if I'm going to restart with the Swarm Cycle, if only because my military vision may be too strong for balance in that universe.

Populating stories and hot tubs

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As I start writing and posting again, while I have my own strong characters, there are many characters of other authors, to say nothing else, that I'd like to invite in what may be no more than a fictional social event -- orgies, of course, not excluded.

Given that gourmet themes run through my work, I can easily picture Winter Jennings and her household experimenting, in the kitchen, with mine, or being served. Their cats should meet mine.

For physical fitness, Millie 90lbs immediately comes to mind.

I do have some professional background in strategy and intelligence, and would enjoy brainstorming with QM's Mage crew (even though I do not have the Talent), or with the Lion of Terra and his staff.

Of course, images of pure lust come to mind as well, but there are interesting aspects of characters other than that.

Universes versus stories

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Would like feedback on how people would see somewhat related plots, and how best to put them into universes and series. I'm returning to writing after a couple of years. Incidentally, I lost the Word originals of some of the earlier stories. Is there a way to download that might retrieve some of my original markup, or is it just raw text?

Is this one universe with three series, three universes, or something else?

The three paths that I have in mind all have some autobiographical elements from my past from roughly ages 14-16. They all have do-over aspects, but not necessarily time travel or mind control. The one that is up with content is the Tomorrow Is Another Day (universe/series), starting with alternate (and background setting) for influencing JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Partially up, and in need of revision and extension, is "Ask Not What Your Country can Do for You". Both do involve the protagonist time-traveling, some do-over, and some fairly soft mind control. Most of the characters are drawn either from history, my high school, or my other experience.

Getting near to posting are two other plotlines. One is about a couple of approaches to improve society and individuals, with integral hot sex, that has Maslow's Pyramid and "good alignment" as a model. There are two coordinated approaches to the Pyramid. Both animal behaviorism of bonobos, and humanistic psychology including Maslow, Jung, Sullivan, etc, Also more recent psychological methods such as EMDR.

The next is not so much trying to have a D&D style good-aligned context, but it's also not intended to be evil or exploitative. It's more about power than humanistic psychology. A key premise, without too much in the way of spoilers, ia that the 3rd-4th generation of US organized crime doesn't just go for lower-risk legitimacy, but the Commission had agreed to have the first female-led Family. It also works its way into legitimate business.

While I draw much from 1962-1964, the time at which they actually take place is more vague, except for historical events, Miniskirts didn't really start entering my time line until a couple of years later, an unacceptable constraint. Smartphones, computers, etc., are far more advanced than the time.

There is a contemporary assumption through the latter two that there has been a backlash against US political evangelism, and the society has become more sex-positive, including Registered Courtesans (Mr. Kraft should have used one). I did have one path involving the Trump Administration, but reality was moving faster than I could write parody.

These are "cousins" of other paths, such as my Veneries stories. Most of my stories have at least some autobiographical content -- I make use of this in my personal psychotherapy.



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