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The next chapter is coming along slowly. Real life snatches away more of my time to write. I've been pursuing new areas of work to bring in hard earned pay that are associated with my typical festival sound production field endeavors but do't rely on good weather outside. The kickoff of that effort is tomorrow; I expect more time to devote to writing now that I've invested the initial prep time needed.
So I am still writing, and as importantly,still thinking a lot about the best way to present the upcoming plot elements. Thank you for your patience.
The next chapter is in the works finally. I have been suffering from what my doctor calls seasonal affective depression. I've gotten the winter blues before, but it's gotten much worse as I've gotten older and this year it's been crushing. Now I've started working out at the gym again, and that seems to have helped to the point I am back writing and being social. I appologize to everyone for keeping out of touch so long.
Just submitted the latest chapter. Thanks to all of you who are following the story and helping support this effort. Have good reads and good health.
The next chapter has three to five pages to go, a final edit, then post. Hope to have it done first part of next week. Also hope everyone has things to thankful for. Good reads, good friends, and good health to all.
The next5 chapter is in the hands of the moderators. Please enjoy the read; real life got in the way of my final edit for a few days.
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