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Jon Eugene: Blog


OK, OK, I listened and I did something about it!

Posted at

There were a number of you who thought that I should organize this particular set of stories into a series. I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner, but I'm still pretty new at this whole writing for the pleasure of others game. I'm also sometimes intimidated by the technology; is this the right thing to do? What if I screw it up totally? Etc, Etc, Etc!

Let me know if this helps you to read these in order.

BTW, I hope to have the next story out next week or the week after at the latest. Lots of things going on in the real world, but I promise to keep up here!

Thanks for reading.

New Story Posted

Posted at

Well, I've posted a new Jonny and Lou story. It was originally written in the first person present, and so I adapted it to be in the third person past. I hope I caught all of the old parts, but if I didn't, I hope you, the reader, will understand. Let me know if there are too many mistakes.
As to my last blog entry, all I can say is thank you to those of you who took the time to write to me with your suggestions. I'm still mulling them over and maybe I will submit to an editor a story.

However, I do want to say something to those who thought that starting a note with "I haven't read anything you've written, but . . ." would make me take their comments to heart. I read that and by eyes glaze over. I have a very difficult time paying attention. To me, it's the same as if you had said, "I don't vote, but . . ." and then you complain and bitch about what's going on in the country or the community. My ears shut off because I don't think you have the right to bitch if you don't vote. I know it's your choice to not vote (or not read), but I don't have to listen to someone who doesn't put themselves on the line to make a choice. It's that simple: read my stuff and then bitch, but if you're not reading, pipe down!

Again, thanks to my readers and their comments. I truly do appreciate it.

What Am I Doing?

Posted at

This is my first entry in the blogosphere. I've written four pieces, and have gotten some fair scores, but I can't seem to get anything higher than a 7. What am I doing wrong?

One of the writers I love to read has basically told me, don't worry about the scores; write what you like.

Someone else has said, get someone to edit you, especially for the grammatical errors. So far, I've resisted, relying on my own ability to spot grammar mistakes (after all, I've been a teacher for a number of years), but I cannot have someone edit my content, especially if I don't know what the problem is.

I hope someone can point me in a good direction, without telling me to get an editor.

I will continue to write for me, at least until someone gives me something concrete to work with.

BTW, this particular series is slated for a 'year in the life', with a surprise at the end. Spring and summer are already past, but not 'in the can', so to speak. I hope to get spring out in the next couple of weeks, and summer will come out a couple of weeks after that. Late summer, early fall will come out when it is done, probably in November.

You see, with my job, I can only write a paragraph or two at a time, and I have no 'man cave' to which I can retreat to write. That might explain why sometimes I repeat myself or come at something a little differently in one part of the story and a little differently later.

Can you all live with that?

Thanks for reading, at any rate!




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