Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Jon Eugene: Blog


The Wedding

Posted at

Well, I got a number of good comments on this the first time I posted it, but, unbeknownst to me, there were quite a few typos. Another author (Mat Twassell) was kind enough to point them out, so I thought I should incorporate the changes and let ya'll reread it and see if the changes made much difference. They did to me, that's for sure. I hate reading (or trying to decipher) typos. So, there it is, or is that here it is? Anyway, enjoy. I hope to have the final part of the Jon and Lou saga written soon.

Wedding Fantasy

Posted at

I've completed the 7th (and final) chapter of The Photographer's Fantasy: The Wedding, which, coincidentally is the 7th submission in the Photographer's Fantasy series. It is in the queue for publication later this morning. I think there may be one more in this series, but . . .

I hope to have more submissions in other stories later, as I have several other stories bopping about in my head and started on paper. However, my muse seems to be fickle and I will write when she inspires me.

So, hang in there, folks. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your reading my little submissions and am glad that most of you who read and vote are giving me fairly high marks. In any event, whether you vote or not, thank you for reading. See you soon.

As The Fantasy Continues!

Posted at

Chapters 2 through 5 are in the queue for publishing. I've grouped these together because they are short and push the story along with minimal sex. There is angst there, too, and it remains to be seen just what will come of it. Chapter 6 is written and proofread, but chapter 7 is giving me some problems. Hopefully it is not too much to overcome.

The Fantasy continues (again!)

Posted at

I need to apologize to all those who have written to me over the last few years for having lied to all of you. I had the next submission written, The Wedding, for the most part, but the ending wasn't coming together. I'm sure you've all read the reasons other authors have given you about why they haven't written, and mine kinda go along the same lines; but basically, my muse abandoned me, then life got complicated and I didn't (and still don't) have any real time to myself to get the writing done.

I'm still trying to come up with an ending, and as soon as I do, I'll get the final chapter(s) written and posted. I have 6 chapters done, and as I really hate "incomplete and inactive" stories, this may become one, so bear with me and be kind. Lou and Jon have a wedding to photograph, and it will involve some heartache and (I hope) redemption in the end.

Thank you for reading and being patient with me. I really appreciate it.

The Fantasy continues!

Posted at

I happened to have the next story ready, so I am offering it to you sooner than later. I'm working on the next story, which may come in chapters, rather than a completed story. I prefer to have the stories finished, but that's just me. I can't tell you how many stories I have started reading and found them pretty good, but "incomplete and inactive". Very frustrating.

If you like this one (I do, that's for sure!), then vote it well. If not, go on to something else. I learned a long time ago:

"You can't please everyone/So you got to please yourself" ~ Ricky Nelson



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