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Today marks the anniversary of BlackIrish's birth.
As I've noted before, BlackIrish was my editor for many years before his untimely death in 2016.
I hope all writers and readers on this site will take a moment today to thank the volunteer editors and proofreaders who go above and beyond to make the stories better.
We should always be thankful to these fine folks for the work they do but it doesn't always work out that way. Nits get picked; pedants become pedantic; some people are just jerks.
I publicly offer my sincerest thanks to Desert Pirate, BlackIrish, Pixel The Cat, The Old Fart, TeNderLoin, OldRotorhead, Zom, Zoltan The Duck, blindDog, Lee, Tony Stevens, pcbondsman and the dozens of others who haven't been named or requested anonymity.
Over the past dozen or so years, these fine people have come in to sweep up the messes I always leave.
My name goes on the top of the story but the works I've posted on SOL truly are a team effort. If you like my stories, the credit goes to everyone involved.
And, of course, if you dislike my stories, the blame lies with me. These volunteers work tirelessly but, as is often said, you can't polish a turd.
To celebrate the life of BlackIrish, I propose that August 23rd become Volunteer Editor and Proofreader Day here at SOL.
Let us all take a second today and give praise where it clearly is due.
Thank you to all on this site who volunteer their time and energy. Your work, far more than mine, make this site all that it is.
Best wishes,
Jay C.
Yep, I got waylaid by life again. It is back to college time for my wife and daughter so everyone is taking a long weekend.
SOL was forgotten. I will post when I get home Sunday or toss out four chapters Monday.
Jay C.
No, I'm not unilaterally adding a day to your work week.
Instead I'll throw up an extra chapter of Learning Curves this week.
I hope the readers will enjoy.
I am covering a coworker's vacation & forgot to post chapters before I left home.
They will go up Saturday.
Jay C.
I've just uploaded the first two chapters for Part IV of Learning Curves.
This part answers some nagging questions ... but brings new questions to the fore.
I hope you'll enjoy.
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