Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Jack Spratt: Blog


Despartely Need New Material for 'Jokes and Giggles'

Posted at

I am currently running very close to empty on my supply of new material for 'Jokes and Giggles'. Since Christmas the new material from all my sources has gone from a river to a very small trickle.

If you have material please forward it.



Email Problems. Continue

Posted at Updated:

GMX had another brain fart, I have been blocked again.

For all who have been forwarding jokes, please use the following email addy.

I need a flood of new material, as my backups are being depleted.



Results of the latest 'Christmas' story Contest!

Posted at

Please accept my thanks for those readers who took the time to read and then voted in favour of my attempt at a Christmas story, 'Christmas!! Bah Humbug!!

Congratulations to 'Stultus' and 'MichaelT65' for their winning submissions.

On Christmas Eve

Posted at

It is my hope that all are enjoying this festive season with all its wonders and glories.

From Don and his bunnies, yes the bunnies are doing well in spite of the actions and comments from some readers, and the characters in my various stories, I extend to all, a very exciting Christmas Season.

Email Problems. Continue

Posted at Updated:

GMX has blocked my email once again with NO explanation, plz use

Customer service at GMX doesn't exist.



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