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I will be posting 'Sounds in The Night' tomorrow, Pete 'the old fart' just completed an extensive reedit and re-proof. The story originated many years ago, and Pete refreshed it making shine like new. I hope you enjoy.
Readers... I am currently in need of a large influx of new material for Jokes and Giggles. If you have one or many items please forward to
They will be appreciated.
The three parts of one of the submissions what were missing our now posted.
Some of my core followers have avoided 'Avery's Awakening' thus missing Don Johnson and his bunnies on Everett Mountain. There are a couple of hints about Don's future.
Rest assured the bunnies are safe and doing what bunnies do.
And just to reassure readers, No Bunnies were Harmed During the girls adventure on Everett Mountain.
To the Number of readers that pointed out the flaw in Chapter 884, it has been replaced providing the completion of the last paragraph.
Sorry it took so long.
I delete all items for 'Jokes and Giggles' as soon as they are posted, thus helping to avoid repeats.
There are a large number of you enjoying Jokes and Giggles.
Thanks for you support.
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