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I am seeking, with the help of my few readers help, Christmas items, whether they be Jokes or Giggles or short reminisces of Christmas's passed.
Depending on the response, I will post both Christmas Eve and Day, giving the haggard readers a moment of respite, with a fresh coffee in hand, during a very demanding season.
Please be advised, that my regular email has been re-instated.
jackspratt1@gmx.com is now fully functional.
Hello again. To my readers who have been a source of many of the items posted 'Jokes and Giggles'.
GMX is still blocking my e-mail, no reasons given. Any E-Mails you have sent in the last five days have been bouncing back.
Please re-submit any jokes to the email addy below..
My reserves of jokes are running low.
GMX still hasn't reinstated my email. For the time being please use..
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