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Jack Spratt: Blog


Someone is Spreading Rumours about My Bunnies

Posted at

There is a Rumour going around that my bunnies were involved in another chapter of Everett Mountain.
Apparently someone or a group of someone's have attempted to over run Don's cabin once again.

So for the seventeen people who have shown some interest in an additional chapter, there may be some hope. There currently is a team of researchers attempting to confirm the validity of this gossip.

Stay tuned. There may be more news.

It Started with Panties

Posted at

The above has been submitted for posting. If you read it, plz vote.


It Started with Panties

Posted at

This is a new story for SOL and it has 'the Old Fart seal of approval' so you know it has to be outstanding. There is no reference to History or Geography, thus no reason for my few readers to beat me up.
If all goes well it should be submitted for posting Saturday.


Once in a Lifetime

Posted at

Now that everyone has picked up my error between Geography and History, has anyone actually read the story………………?????


Once in a Lifetime

Posted at

Hey people, I now realize that Zambia is a land locked country.............. History wasn't one of my high points.




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