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Jack Spratt: Blog


Continuing News about Everett Mountatin

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If there wasn't enough excitement on Everett Mountain, there are rumors of gun fire. Has Jim7 lost it and is currently hunting Don's bunnies or is he still navel gazing? What are the bunnies going to do? Will the answers be in the next chapter? Hell is there going to be a next chapter? Inquiring minds want to know!

Beauty at the Lake

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Another romantic tale from 2002, damsels in distress, Don to the recue. Just a few different twists. The plan is to submit it for posting Saturday. Some light weekend reading. Enjoy

More News about Everett Mountatin

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With 38 confirmed readers waiting with baited breath for the possibility of a new chapter, their enthusiasm has had an effect on the traffic on Timber Road.

The additional traffic of gawkers viewing the new additions on the mountain could result in a new source of income for my bunnies. Instead of monetary charges, perhaps fresh carrots and lettuce could be the currency. Any suggestions.

Jim7 has spent many an hour navel gazing; yes he has his pink belt for 'navel gazing'. He has yet to come up with a doable solution.

My Everett Mountain Retreat-More Pt. 4

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It appears there is a good possibility of this chapter being forwarded for proofing.

For the 25 interested readers, you have something to look forward too, after two years of wondering what ever happed to Don and his Bunnies.

Bunnies’ Rebuttal to the Rumours

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The leader of the Bunny collation 'Jim7' stated emphatically that he had nothing to do with any rebellion of three bunnies after they ate two baskets of overripe blueberries. It seems the alcoholic content of the ripe berries had them doing a crazy dance, to some tune 'Jim7' was whistling.

As of early this morning Everett Mountain was tranquil after yesterday's actions.

There was something said about the next possible next chapter, something about 38,500 words to process.

With the addition of new interested readers have the new total at 23.. that is approximately a 30% increase.

Stay tuned. More surprises to follow.



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