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Jack Green: Blog


One Part shuts and another Part opens

Posted at

Part 1 of The Comrade‘s Tale is completed. My thanks to all those who downloaded/voted/ commented/ messaged me/ and hopefully have enjoyed the story. I am also grateful for the continued assistance and support of my editor Old Rotorhead (ORH).

Part 2 of The Comrade’s Story has begun the editing process but it may be some time before the story appears on Sol. Part 2 is a much larger chunk of verbiage than Part 1, although some might be lopped during editing, then again more verbiage might be added.

The fact that ORH edits for several other Sol writers means my chapters have to take their place in a queue, sometimes it is a rather long queue.
ORH has/does edit for such luminaries as Aroslav, Argon, G.Younger, Michael Loucks and Paige Hawthorne. Being in the same queue with such fine writers is a privilege: maybe some of their skill will rub off onto me --unfortunately some of mine(?) might rub off me onto them!

best regards
Jack G


Posted at

The first chapter of The Comrade’s Tale Part 1; Before, is now ready to view at a screen near you with the rest of the chapters snugly tucked up in the Sol delivery system, one to be posted every three days. I could give the dates they will be posted but my reader is intelligent enough to work that out for himself. (I am not being sexist, females have far more interesting things to do than to read my stories)

Ta - ra

Jack G

The Moving Finger …

Posted at

writes and having writ posts the story on Sol.

My moving fingers are about to do the latter having already writ Part 1 of The Comrade’s Tale, the latest story in the Linkage series.

The Comrade’s Tale covers a time span of some forty years so I have divided it into three; Part 1:Before, Part 2: During, and Part 3: After. If you are intrigued by the titles then I suggest you read the story, in fact I hope you read the story even if you are completely unmoved by the titles.

Chapter 1 of ‘The Comrade’s Tale, Part 1: Before’ is in the Sol posting queue and should be coming to a screen near you on Tuesday 19th April. ‘Part 1: Before’, comprises of nine chapters containing 45800 words and I plan to post a chapter every three days but like Robbie Burns my plans aft gang a- gley so don’t put money on it.

Toodle pip

Jack G

Re- Another link in the chain

Posted at

My thank to those who messaged me regarding my petulant spate/hissy fit of a blog. I hear and take on board what you say.

After finishing a story I get rather down, a Post-coital tristesse type of sadness. Something has ended that fully engaged all my senses, such as they are, for a number of months (unlike sex which is only minutes!)
I get immersed in the story when I'm writing and ignore the real world. When finally the story is done and dusted and posted I return to the real world.

'WTF have they been doing while I was writing? The world is in a worse mess than before!'

That feeling of amazed dismay, on top of my tristesse, was then compounded by a nit picking comment and I threw a wobbly, followed by all my toys out of the pram.

I apologise for my childishness. In future I will suck it up, man up like Frank Spencer, and take any adverse remarks in my stride.
Stand on me, I'm a Hammer!

Currently I am 5 chapters into the latest story but don't know how many chapters will be the end result. I always know how a story begins and how it ends but the bit in the middle is an unknown country that I wander around where the fancy takes me.

Which could be the reason I'm not Top of the Pops; Most people prefer having a read than having a ramble.


Jack 'Laid back' Green

Another link in the chain

Posted at

The Waiter's Tale is now fully posted and the next story in the series, The Comrade's Tale, is a work in progress.
I would like to thank my editor Old Rotorhead for once again gilding my writing with his expertise. Thanks also to all those who downloaded, voted, and commented on 'The Waiter's Tale'.

Several readers' comments flagged up typos. The last one received was laconic to the point of being brusque.

'Ticker tape not ticket tape.'

I commend the sharp eyes, and sharper tongue, of the reader. One incorrect letter, and given the juxtaposition of the letters on the QWERTY keyboard I expect it happens quite frequently. Yes it was a typo, and thanks for letting me know so that I can amend same, but honestly --- is that all the story did for you?

'The Waiter's Tale' has 28 chapters and is over 118,000 words long but all the reader can say about the story is there was a typo. It makes me wonder if I am wasting my, and potential readers', time by posting my stories.

Jack 'Pissed off' Green



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