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Jack Green: Blog


Forgotten but not gone.

Posted at

I posted the last chapter of The Comrade’s Tale Part 2 on 21st August 2022 and in the end note gave the impression that Part 3 would soon follow as the first chapter was already written, which it was. --- And then nothing.
This is an apology to my reader for keeping him/her in a state of suspended non-animation for such a long time.

Writer’s block is a strange beast but in simple terms it is a temporary or lasting failure to put words on paper. There are many reasons for the blockage; lack of inspiration, frustration that what you have in your mind doesn’t come out the same on the paper/screen when you write, loss of confidence in your ability, etc , etc, the list is endless.

So what was my reason for failing to put words on paper?
I lost interest in what I was writing. I lost interest in writing. I just lost interest.
I have experienced writer’s block before and did then what the people who know all about the ailment suggest, which is to write something, anything, just write. I wrote ‘Tales from an Ex Brat’ stories, some of which had already been published online in ‘First and Last’, The Journal of the 81st Entry of RAF Halton Apprentices.

This time I did nothing until the start of 2023. My New Year resolution was to finish The Comrade’s Tale Part 3 and then complete the Linkage Series with The Mother’s Story. Amazingly I am still keeping my resolution and have 11 chapters of The Comrade’s Tale Part 3 written and edited with the 12th chapter being written ready for dispatch to Old Rotor head (ORH) for editing when he returns from his latest trip overseas.

I hope to have the completed book edited and ready for posting by the end of June at the latest.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for waiting. Thank you.


Here endeth The Comrade's Tale Part 2

Posted at

The last chapter of The Comrade’s Tale Part 2 is now posted. My thanks to all those who have or will read/vote /comment on the story – conduct above and beyond the call of duty.

Sincere thanks also to Old Rotorhead(ORH) -- editor supreme -- for his invaluable help, support, and expertise in many fields. As his moniker suggests ORH is no stranger to helicopters and put me right on the operation of whirly birds in a jungle setting -- ORH has been there and got the camouflaged tee shirt.
The other editor who assisted in making the story more reader friendly wishes to remain anonymous; obviously being associated with Jack Green was deemed to be detrimental to his (or her) street cred. Nevertheless I thank A.N. Other for the help given.

Part 3, the final part of The Comrade’s Tale is work in progress with a couple of chapters completed and several more to be written although I have no idea when it will be ready for posting.

.The final book in the Linkage series --The Mother’s Story---is in rough outline form and will be the last link in the chain of stories.

Jack G

Kelly’s Eye or Harold’s Den?

Posted at

I have had several messages concerning the first chapter of The Comrade’s Tale, Part 2. Nothing to do with plot, characters, dialogue, typos or grammar mistakes but the fact that the chapter is numbered 10 rather than 1.

Initially the Comrade’s Tale was going to be a single story but it grew larger, and I when reached chapter 25 with no end in sight decided, in order to keep my reader happy and have something new of mine to peruse, to split the story into three, as I had done with the last story in the Poacher’s Progress series. Unfortunately I neglected to change the chapter numbered 10, the first chapter of Part 2, to Chapter1.
However, even though I have since submitted the chapter for reposting with the chapter number altered it seems it is only the text of the document that is affected when reposted not the document name. Thus, even after two reposts with the corrected chapter number, the first chapter of The Comrade’s Tale Part 2 is still numbered Harold’s Den (Number Ten) rather than Kelly’s Eye (Number One).

It is rather chastening to have more messages about incorrect chapter numbering than anything else about the story but does demonstrate how important chapter numbering must be.

Jack G

The Comrade’s Tale Part 2

Posted at

Chapter 3; Honneur et fidelitie, posts today.

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Posted at

Better still have a look at my scribblings and hopefully enjoy them. If there is any despairing to be done it will probably be done by me. This is a convoluted, and probably pretentious, attempt to alert readers that The Comrade’s Tale Part 2 is in the Sol delivery system and, if I’ve worked the submission wizard correctly, the first chapter should post sometime on Tuesday 21st June, with a three day interval between succeeding chapters. There are 14 chapters with a grand total of 85K of words.
Never mind the quality feel the width!

I have Oldrotorhead (ORH) and Anon to thank for their editing work, a lot of editing work. However, anything not pukka in the story; typos, punctuation, grammar, the plot and pacing of the tale, is down to me.

Even with that caveat Anon doesn’t want to be associated with my work lest it ruins his, or her, street cred.
'Nuff said.

Best regards
Jack G



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