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Jack Green: Blog


Doing a Boris

Posted at

Due to my utter incompetence, the latest book in the Poacher's Progress series will not begin posting on 24th November as planned, for which I apologise most profusely. I miscalculated the time it would take to get the draft version of the book into a suitable state for editing, and in fact, only finished polishing the last chapter yesterday.

As I get older I get more dense, and as I was as thick as two short planks to start with it is a wonder anything I write ever sees the light of day. My time miscalculation was exacerbated by losing a chapter! Somehow I managed to overwrite chapter 16 with the text of chapter 15 and then had to resurrect the missing chapter from what I could remember from the original -- bugger-all as it happened. Eventually, I cobbled together a chapter that seems to fit in with the rest of the story.

So, like Boris, I'm forced to seek an extension, in my case for posting not exiting, and like the blonde buffoon I have chosen 31st January 2020 (I'm grey rather than blonde but a buffoon none the less)
If I can bring the posting date forward I will. It depends on how swiftly my editor can turn round my chapters. Oldrotorhead is one of the best, if not the best, editors on SOL and has many clients; my stuff takes its turn in the queue along with the other writers privileged to have ORH as their editor.

Once again my abject apology for not delivering on what I promised -- me and Boris, two of a kind!

Best regard
Jack G

Now you see it, now you may not!

Posted at

I have posted a story in the 'Tales of an ex Brat' series that recounts an event that happened after I had left the RAF. However interesting, or not, the tale may be the reason for posting is to test out the new facility, relatively new facility, of posting Word documents rather than using HTML or text with SOL formatting tags.

The on screen format might not be as tidy or readable in docx as it is in text with SOL tags and if that is the case I will remove the story and re-post under the former method.
Hence the tittle of this blog.

best regards
Jack G

Progress report on Poacher's Progress

Posted at

The first draft of Dun and Dusted Part 3, Book 7 of Poacher's Progress, has been completed. I am now working my through the 23 chapters, polishing and shaping the rough draft into something editable, before formatting and uploading to SOL.

Currently, one chapter has been polished/shaped/ edited/ formatted and uploaded to SOL, ready to post on November 24 - the Big Yin's birthday. There are another three chapters polished/shaped/ edited/ awaiting formatting for upload. Two chapters are with Old Rotorhead, eight chapters are polished/shaped/ awaiting editing, and nine are still to be polished and shaped.

I hope all chapters will be uploaded to SOL before November 24th but if not I will postpone posting until they are. I will give an update nearer to the proposed posting date.

Best regards

Jack G

Follow up to Followers

Posted at

I had a whole heap of replies to my blog 'Followers'. My thanks to all those who responded.

I didn't write the blog to solicit more followers -- although I wouldn't blame you for not believing me -- it just seemed strange that four readers stopped being followers when the chapter posted. However, it appears the numbers of an author's followers can bob up and down in much the same way as do their scores, and it was pure coincidence that the numbers dropped as the chapter was posted.

I managed to wean myself off watching my scores like a hawk, and getting in a two and eight when they fell, but it seems I transferred the angst of score watching to that of follower number watching.

So, no more whingeing about scores, lack of comments/ feedback, or missing followers. Trust me -- I'm an Iron!

Jack G


Posted at

I don't have many followers so any diminution is soon noticed.

I lost four around the time chapter 13 of Dun and Dusted Part II was posted on Sol. I've re-read the chapter and can find nothing contentious, or any glaring grammar /punctuation errors, that might have caused me to get the elbow.
No one has written expressing their disgust /dislike /disbelief of anything written in the chapter. So maybe it is just a coincidence that Chapter 13 was posted at the same time four of my followers decided I was no longer worth following.
So be it; to lose a few followers is not the end of the world. (Which, according to those people who know about such things, is scheduled for November the First.)

There are two more chapters to be posted before the conclusion of Part II and it remains to be seen if any other followers become ex-followers. Meantime, my sincere thanks go to all those, be they followers, former followers, or non-followers, who have downloaded and read my stuff.
Without a readership there is not much point in being a writer!


Jack G



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