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Jack Green: Blog


The art of blogging

Posted at

I make it a point to read Aroslav's blogs as they are frequently humorous, generally instructive, always entertaining and well written. There are many stories on SOL, including some of my own stuff, that generate a lower enjoyment factor than an Aroslav blog.

I particularly relished the account of his visit to Las Vegas, where, dressed in a white suit, he partied around the place while being mistaken for Dicky Attenborough - had Aroslav not been bearded and wearing a Panama hat he may have been mistaken for Alec Guinness.
He was also invited for a 'hands- on' experience with one of the delicious young ladies attending the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo.
Way to go Wayzgoose!

Another of Aroslav's blogs gave a day in his life, and it is not surprising he enjoys more success in the writing field than most of the other writers on SOL He writes between 3,000 and 10,000 words a day!
If I write 3,000 words a week I think I'm on a roll.

He fully deserves to make the breakthrough in to the big-time, if only for the amount of effort he puts in to his craft, even with the evil machinations of amazon trying to hold him back. Hopefully, next year when visiting Las Vegas Aroslav will be invited to experience further fleshy delights with the luscious ladies attending the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo.
Any ensuing blog could be the basis of a best seller.

One book shuts and another opens, eventually.

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The ending of Book 6 of Poacher's Progress did not go down too well with many of my readers. The score plummeted as far and as fast as the unfortunate Egyptian who brought the story to a conclusion, or rather to an ending. Never mind, perhaps Book 7 will be better received.

I have had a shed load of e-mails, at least three, asking when the next story in the series will be posted, and /or if there will be further books in the series.
I have started to write Book 7 but have no idea of when it will be ready to post. I spend a lot of time on research, most of which doesn't see the light of day … there's nothing worse than a writer showing off his knowledge - recently acquired, knowledge -- in front of a bored readership. There is also the fact that I am an Idle Jack, and have days when I cannot be bothered to write anything. It is not Writer's Block just laziness. However, DV, in the fullness of time there will be a Book 7; just don't hold your breath.

Jack G

Posting date error

Posted at

I expect my reader spotted the Captain Mainwaring 'deliberate' mistake, which is due to me needing an eye test. Tuesday looks very much like Thursday when half blind and fully stupid. The posting schedule will be as stated ... Sundays and Thursdays.

My thanks to those who have commented on the first two chapters, it is always a pleasure to get feedback.


Jack G

More progress on Poacher's Progress

Posted at

Old rotorhead, editor par excellence, has completed the editing of Book 6 of Poacher's Progress in record time. I pulled my finger out and have formatted the chapters ready for upload to Sol in double quick time.

The plan is to post four chapters per week.Two on a Thursday and two on a Sunday, and in fact the first two chapters have been submitted today.

My apologies for the long interval between books.The title of book 6 is 'Dynasty and Destiny.' I hope my reader thinks it worth the wait.

Jack G

Progress on Poacher's progress

Posted at Updated:

The sixth book in the series is currently going through the editing/proofreading process. You cannot imagine the relief I feel to write these words. At one time it was touch and go if I would complete the book, or even write anything else, as I had completely lost interest in writing.

Fortunately, the zest to write has returned from whence it went, partly due to the SOL community. I received many messages of encouragement and support from long-time readers of my stuff, and from fellow writers on SOL who have experienced the loss of creativity, or whatever it is that drives us scribblers to scribble.

It will be some time before the chapters are ready to post, possibly mid-July, depending on how quickly the editing takes and how long it takes me to format the chapters for upload. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I hope the readers of book 6 of Poacher's Progress,' Dynasty and Destiny', think it worth the wait.


Jack Green



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