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Jack Green: Blog


Not missing, just misplaced revisited

Posted at Updated:

I have reposted chapter 13 and chapter 14 separately. Hopefully this will sort out the problem. I don't know why or how what happened happened, but if it does happen again I will know what to do.

Many thanks to those who offered helpful suggestions, even if one was a physical impossibility unless being double- double jointed, which I am not.


Jack G

Not missing just misplaced.

Posted at Updated:

For some unfathomable reason , but I expect it due to my ignorance or stupidity, Chapter 14 has been appended to Chapter 13 rather than appearing separately. No harm done as far as the story goes, but when looking at the chapter index it will seem as if Chapter 14 is missing. If I knew how I would delete chapter 13 and resubmit chapters 13 and 14 separately, but as I don't you are stuck with the situation.

I apologise for the confusion, and hope it does not detract from your enjoyment of the story.



Poacher's Progress; Duty and Duplicity

Posted at

Chapter two is now posted, and so far downloads and score are par for the series. Many thanks to those who have downloaded /voted for the current story.

I will post multi chapters from now on as I want to get book 5 out of the way before getting stuck into book 6, and don't want to leave those readers who only vote when a story fully posted waiting over-long.

More progress on Poacher’s Progress.

Posted at

The formatting is completed, amazingly on time.

The first chapter of Poacher's Progress Book 5 - Duty and Duplicity- I intend posting on Friday 18th August. The second chapter will follow on Tuesday 22nd August. The posting schedule will then be two, or more, chapters posted Fridays and Tuesdays, until the final chapter, # 26.

Thank you for being so patient; I hope you think the wait worthwhile.

Jack G

Progress on Poacher's Progress.

Posted at

My esteemed, highly esteemed, editor Oldrotorhead, has completed the editing of Poacher's Progress, Book 5 -- Duty and Duplicity.

I hope to complete the formatting of the chapters by mid- August, and will then begin uploading to SOL

If all goes to plan it will be nearly a year between posting Book 4 and the start of posting Book 5. I apologise to my reader for the delay. I suffered a loss of interest in writing, and what passes for my muse went walkabout.

Whether or not what passes for my muse is in a better or worse shape than before going AWOL will be for my reader to judge.

Of course, Book 6 might take as long a gestation period, so I will apologise in advance.

Cheers the noo.
Jack G



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