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Jack Green: Blog


More news from Over the Hills and Faraway

Posted at

The first three chapters of Book 5, the final book in the Over the Hills and Faraway series, will be posted on Wednesday the16th of September. I aim to post subsequent chapters at intervals of two days.

I'm rather pleased with my latest offering, although I realise it is the opinion of my reader that really determines the merit, or otherwise, of my stuff.

The title of Book 5 is 'Paying the piper'.

Jack G

News from Over the Hills and Faraway

Posted at

It has been some time since my last blog, six months in fact … doesn't time fly when you're having a good time? The time has been spent wrestling with the latest book in the Over the Hills and Faraway series, and I can report with pride, and not a little sadness, that the final book in the saga is near completion.

I hope to start posting on SOL by mid -September, or the back end of the month at the latest. It is a large book, somewhere near 120,000 words, and my three editors had the Herculean task of arranging my prose into a more readable format. Each of the three brings something different to the task, and I am deeply grateful to each for the work they have carried out.

Without the combined efforts of The Three Wise Men I doubt my stuff would reach anywhere near the readership it currently does, and as all three have full and active lives away from editing it says a great deal about their commitment, and stamina, to spend their down time reading through my words … all 120,000 of them! Thank you, gentlemen.

Any kudos I may receive I share with Derykb, Rondownunder, and Old rotor head.

Jack G

Breaking News

Posted at

The first draft of Book 5 of Over the Hills and Faraway is completed … Hallelujah!
It has taken the best part of three months to reach this stage and frankly I have no idea how long it will take me to complete the second draft, which is when I send the story for editing and a subsequent third draft.

Unlike many of the great and the good who post on Stories on Line I do not regard writing as anything other than a hobby,an enjoyable hobby I will admit, but it is not an obsession for me … which might explain my lack of success … and there are times I don't have the urge to tap away at my keyboard. I am a hunt and peck type of writer and it takes considerable time and effort for me to bang out more than 1000 words at a sitting.
Nevertheless, once I make up my mind to complete a task I stick to it, and I urge my reader to keep the faith.
The latest, and last, instalment of Dewey Desmond's trials and tribulations will eventually see the light of day on Stories on Line, hopefully before the end of the year.

Thank you for your forbearance.

Jack G



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