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Hunter Johnson: Blog


Close to the end

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We are close to the end of the tale which I will complete before the new year. Thank you very much for all of you who have written and commented both favorably and unfavorably. It will take some time before book 2 and three already for publication on the site.

In book 2 Jason is still unable to get to the Empire. He has to deal with the planets that have been attacked by the Mob and then the Mob core worlds.

In book 3 he does reach the Empire but very quickly meets some very interesting people.

My thanks to BarneyR who has done a lot of the proofreading and editing in this book.

I will post the penultimate chapter in a few minutes but I do want you to have the whole story before the new year.

More trouble on the horizon

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Thank you very much to those of you who have sent feedback. Shortly the next installment will show up after it passes through the moderators. There is more trouble on the horizon.


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The story begins to move forward quickly from here. We have covered the basics and it now starts to get exciting. I hope you enjoy it. Please score it and I am happy to receive feedback.

New posting

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I have posted chapter 3. Its the last of the chapters before the story speeds up and things begin to happen. Jason is on the ship and its a hard slog but it gives you some necessary background.

New Science fiction story The Warlord and The Traitor

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This story is about a young man and his progress and development as he adapts to a very sophisticated advanced society. So much of this society is the same and so much is different.

It is closest to a space opera.

It is also a book full of adventures.

There are many authors on the site who tell a story. I enjoy the ones where there is constantly something happening. Dualwriter is one of my favorites.

Jason has some very challenging problems that he faces.Nothing is quite as it seems.

I have started posting this story in a new universe. The first book has been completed and kindly edited by Barney R. Please be reassured that you will not be left hanging. Three books have been written so far. I started writing in 2014 but work issues intervened and I only wrote a trivial amount. Now I have more time.

I will post a chapter a week.

When one writes about a civilization that is 60,000 years ahead of us it is fantasy. It is so far ahead that none of us would be likely to guess about the nature of life in such an Empire.

There is a lot about studying science and mathematics in the story but there is no real hard science in this story. Mathematics, science, chemistry and biology are intrinsic to our understanding of the world. He has to study these subjects among others.

There is one additional theme that is explored over the books and that is the concept of the evolution of consciousness. There are some anthropological explorations of religious issues that occur in evolving societies. If you are a true believer at a profound level leave out those sections in case they offend you. Science fiction gives us the opportunity to explore issues that one cannot otherwise do. No offense is intended.

The three books are not independent. The story carries on from one to the next and a significant number of the characters will be around for the whole of the first three books.

I have read science fiction for a very long time and have enjoyed it thoroughly. Some of it has influenced me quite significantly. Undoubtedly you will see concepts and ideas that you have seen before. There is nothing new in our writing universe. So many people have great ideas and inevitably they have their effects on the future of literature.I acknowledge any past interesting ideas that I repeat or explore. I did not want it to be entirely foreign and alien.

I was not entirely sure how it was going to turn out. I still do not and have started mapping out book 4. I think I may be carrying on for a while.

I do hope these books entertain you and that you have as much fun reading them as I have had in writing them.

Just one comment on names. I do struggle with esoteric names and remembering who is who in many books. Barney R is fortunately keeping score and I will post a cast of characters. For this reason I have made names that are reasonably familiar in most cases but not in all.

It is a series that spans a number of galaxies and inevitably there are going to be lots of people that Jason meets. I have made strenuous attempts to reduce the number of new people to whom you are introduced.

I am happy to receive comments and suggestions.



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