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Hunter Johnson: Blog


Book 7 Chloe

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Thank you all for your patience. I will begin posting book 7 weekly, three chapters at a time. I have had a difficult year with surgery which left me incapacitated and functioning poorly for months then more recent problems. I am tired of seeing doctors but I am back writing. I completed book 9 and I am editing it before it goes to the editors and nearly finished book 10 which is in the same multiverse but is the story of someone else who goes to be educated with an advanced species. I have completed the progress of the series at book 9 the end of the third trilogy.

This current book is written from the perspective of Jason's grandchild Chloe. I needed to write about Earth joining house Kargo and Jason wasn't there.

I found writing a story from the perspective of a 14-year-old girl challenging, but life throws lots of curveballs. She is a critical character at this juncture.

I surprised myself and enjoyed writing the story much more than I expected.

I debated whether to continue with book 10 in the same series as I continued to have so many ideas about where it could go, but even though I like long stories I decided to stop and look at other characters in the same universe. Several stories that I have enjoyed went on too long and I lost interest. The long stories have chapters further and further apart and I lose track of the story.

Book 7 has 14 chapters so you will have all of it by the end of the month. I loath incomplete stories so I make sure I don't do the same.

I am not sure when I will post book 8. It needs the eye of another editor/proofreader and I haven't approached anyone yet. My thanks to Jim 7 and Barney R for editing and proofing book 7.

Book 6 in series begins

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Book 6 will start today and I am posting the prelude. I will post a chapter a week. I will switch on voting once we get into the meat of the story.
I sincerely thank my editors BarneyR and GuywithGunz. They make a sterling effort to make my writing understandable.
I hope you all enjoy this story.

How to write and/or edit

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For those of you who write and edit I am thinking of writing a book to discuss what writing software is available, what editing software, and discuss alternative processes of writing and how to manage the editing and proofreading. I will do a blog on this as well to canvas what people would like to know.
I will also recommend the books in each area I have found of most help.
If there is some interest I will write it bit by bit and put it up in the Authors/Editors section.
I wrote my first three books by the seat of my pants and put them up on SOL. It was an unforgetable experience. I found out at least people liked the ideas but the writing was awful.
I rewrote the first three again and removed the holes I had created that I could not get out of. There was some improvement and the editors made a big difference. I learned quite a bit about grammar and the story. Then I began to plan from book 4 onward. I read a lot about book structure and telling the story. I think it would take me ten years to write reasonably well because I know now how hard it is to write a good book. So I reckon book 23 onwards will be great if my brain doesn't fail me. My father died at 95 with a a great brain till 92. My mother developed clear dementia at 80 and the rates of inheritance are not insignificant.
For those aspiring writers who read my books and those interested in editing let me know what you would like to know and I will write it if I can.

Book 5.

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Book 4 is coming to an end in a few days. Book 5 is all done and ready having gone through the editors. I will post slower as I am writing book 9 now and I go over each chapter as I post it. The chapters are bigger and I will promise one a week. There will be a week's break before book 5 will begin.

I am on a roll with book 9 and need the writing time and to concentrate and think. I thank my editors Barney R and guywithgunz for their efforts and continued great work. Book 8 is nearly done editing so we should have a clear run as long as no misadventure befalls the site or me.
Thanks to those who have sent feedback. I hope the books get better as we go along. For some reason I have not run out of ideas. I will continue to write and I hope I beat my family history of dementia on my mother's side.

I have enough lined up for awhile to come. I don't want to promise more than I can deliver comfortably. A chapter a day was simply too much work.

For those of you who write and edit I am thinking of writing a book to discuss what writing software is available, what editing software, and discuss alternative processes of writing and how to manage the editing and proofreading. I will do a blog on this as well to canvas what people would like to know.
I will also recommend the books in each area I have found of most help.
If there is some interest I will write it bit by bit and put it up in the Authors/Editors section.
I wrote my first three books by the seat of my pants and put them up on SOL. It was an unforgetable experience. I found out at least people liked the ideas but the writing was awful.
I rewrote the first three again and removed the holes I had created that I could not get out of. There was some improvement and the editors made a big difference. I learned quite a bit about grammar and the story. Then I began to plan from book 4 onward. I read a lot about book structure and telling the story. I think it would take me ten years to write reasonably well because I know now how hard it is to write a good book. So I reckon book 23 onwards will be great if my brain doesn't fail me. My father died at 95 with a a great brain till 92. My mother developed clear dementia at 80 and the rates of inheritance are not insignificant.
For those aspiring writers who read my books and those interested in editing let me know what you would like to know and I will write it if I can.

Book 4 some comments

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Book 4 sets up books 4,5 and 6. It starts slowly. From now on the pace speeds up and a lot happens quickly. I apologize to my editors. I did do some small changes after the last edits and proofing.
Thank you all for reading and sending comments. Most comments so far have been about book 1 and when is book 4 going to get going.
There will be a clear run of chapters daily of 4,5, and 6. I am sure book 7 will be ready by then and will follow and maybe even book 8.
So, I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed telling the story.



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