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Gordon Johnson: Blog


Can I skip this?

Posted at

If I am reading your story and there is a long section about your character playing an American football game, how relevant is it to the actual story? If paying this game has little relevance, please do not waste the reader's time wading through detailed description of moves in the game.
Would you like it if I wrote a romance and spent a thousand words of it about the playing of a shinty game?
In the same way, a few authors show how much they know about firearms by spending ages in description of what each weapon and type of ammunition can do. Is it relevant to the story? If the story is about a firearms-obsessed man, then yes, but if the weapons are a side isuue, then don't bother with all the unnecessary detail. You can display your expertise in a single paragraph, if you are a good writer.
The gist of the above is, please self-edit your writing to keep it to the story line. That will improve the tale.

Nowhere Man, Book Two

Posted at Updated:

I am about ready to start posting this continuation of 'Nowhere Man', at a chapter a week. I have managed to write over twenty chapters, to keep my writing ahead of the posting schedule.

It is assumed you have read 'Nowhere Man', all near-half-a million words of it. That is the only way to fully appreciate what is happening in the story.


Posted at

The blurb of a new story uses the word widow (a female word), whereas the story is clearly about a WIDOWER (a male word). Someone should get to know the difference.

Reginald strikes again!

Posted at

While writing "Nowhere Man" I was sent a suggestion for linking the Reginald series to another of my series, and the idea struck me as interesting. However, I could not start work on it without stopping "Nowhere Man", so I eventually did halt in (to be continued later).
So, I have got the new Reginald story written - 19 chapters - ready to start posting in the next day or so. I am aiming tom post one chapter per week, to let me work on "Nowhere Man" again..

Nowhere Man. End of Book One.

Posted at

I have concluded Book One of Nowhere Man at Chapter 55. There are many issues outstanding that will have to be addressed in Book Two, but I have a higher priority: a new Reginald story, which I have started writing: Reginald's Disaster.
Once I have enough chapters of that written, I will start posting them, so it will be some months before I can get back to The Nowhere Man. So, my apologies to those of you who have asked about Book Two.



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