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Still have ups and downs (like recently when I was two weeks overdue for one of my major medicines, pretty much left me bed-bound while I fought with my insurance company).. but I AM writing. I'm HOPING (HOPING!!!!) to have a new chapter of FTMD this upcoming weekend.
God willing.
Or Muse Willing.
Thanks to everyone for your good thoughts, karma and ideas. I have already spoken to my SSDI lawyer, and instructed them to file the appeal.
Now, to an honest question.
I have a short chapter of One-on-One ready to go. It's not long at all, and I'm afraid that it would be a turn-off for folks to read just a couple pages or what have you.
But it is progress. Should I post?
So, my initial claim for disability was disapproved.
This is to rather be expected, the numbers are they disapprove 90% or so of initial applications, regardless of true status. But, the fight continues.
But they are grinding.
At least I hope.
It's had its ups and downs, but I swear, one of these days I'm going to invent a device that allows me to transcribe falling-asleep thoughts, because I've written the equivalent several next chapters in my head for all my stories when I'm TRYING to sleep.
But when I'm awake, and sitting at the computer? That muse slips away to dreamland and there's not word one to be found.
But I'm hoping for a break through shortly. More details as I can provide them
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