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Denham Forrest: Blog


Proofreader required.

Posted at

I've tried to contact a couple of my old proofreaders, however it seems that I've been out of posting for so long, that they are no longer available. Well they haven't answered my emails anyway.

I'm not really looking for an editor as such, but someone with the patience and fortitude to read through my demented diatribes and pick-up on my atrocious spelling and grammar.

One other point I'll make, is that texts I'll be asking you to look at are chapters from some of the "incomplete" yarns that fill my hard drives. What I'm after are opinions like "Yes complete this bugger." or "No, dump this load of old crap."

Oh an SOD-7 is coming, I promise; however several other ideas popped into my head and I've been trying to find the time to get them into the computer while they are fresh in my memory. However one of them seems so familiar that I've been hunting through my files to see if I have written the bugger before and that's where the files I'm talking about come into the picture.

Whatever, the proofreading thing, please let me know through SOL's systems. Old mates are welcome back, if they so wish.

Hey does anybody else prefer Word 2000 to the latter incarnations, or am I alone in that respect?

Sorry SOD is taking it's time.

Posted at

I'm afraid I've got waylaid by several other story ideas that I have to get into the computer before I forget the things.

I'll add that I type much slower than I did at one time, so progress is never what I hoped it would be.

It doesn't really help that SWMBO is home a lot more often than she used to be when I am trying to write. And regretfully my commitments to her far outweigh my commitments to writing.


Sorry Ch06 of SOD will not appear today

Posted at

So I've posted a short little yarn that popped into my head a couple of weeks ago, as consolation.

Oh, and it is complete as far as I'm concerned, so no complaints please?

No I didn't get the opertunity to complete the yarn yesterday

Posted at

So I decided that I'd put the chapter break at the only opportune point I could find. I think it's shorter than earlier chapters, but that's how the cookie has crumbled.

What's left of the yarn I might have to put up as two short chapters or one longer one. But I would recommend those who have struggled through it so far, stay until the very end. As I said in the preamble, this yarn did start out as a Wanderer story; all going well it will conclude as one.

I regret that CH05 will not be going up today.

Posted at Updated:

However you got two chapters yesterday, no one should complain. (Although I know that some bugger will!)

I have two episodes to relate that I envisage as separate chapters, but I fear the last one is not going to be long enough to fit that description. I think I need to write them both as one document and then decide the best place to split it into two.




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