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I'm at something of a loss as to what to do. I have eight chapters completed and ready for final edit. I cannot/will not continue until Proxy comes back, but, it's been three months and I'm starting to get increasingly frustrated.
They are really good chapters too, so I was going to see what the general consensus is. Do I wait another three months for my man to pop back up, or do I post all eight now, in the hopes of forcing him to speak up and letting you guys see what we're brewing.
Let me know, if the general feedback is an AYE, I will post them starting Monday.
That's 96, one hell of a ride, rest in peace mommy, you've done your duty.
Someone, somewhere out there in the 'verse, has a video of Katie Price being gang fucked on the side of the road...
Here we go again, fans who don't like Lord of the Rings are racist mysogonic peices of shit. Fuck of Amazon, fuck of Disney, bunch of money grubbing cunts.
Sorry... Bezos can suck my dildo sized space ship.
Someone write a story out of that!
Thank you to everyone who responded with some very helpful information for my upcoming Cowboy one shot. I've put it to good, practical use within my story.
Tempus Fugit has risen by another point, which surprised me. I'm oh so close to being 8.00 it kills me 🤣
Ashrak is coming along nicely, I'm working with my guy again and am happy with its progress.
The tempus fugit rewrite is plodding along, chapter eight is in the progress and I hope to be at least on nine by the end of summer. I won't post the ten chapters until they are completed.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and keeping out of the heat, stay cool people and don't get stroke. 😎
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