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Dark Apostle: Blog



Posted at

It seems that The Wishes is being well received, I'm hoping Proxy will be around at some point soon. I'm buzzing him to no avail, but I will definitely try my best. Hell, I'll have a crack at the last two chapters on my and see what I can produce. This is already one hell of a ride!

On a side note, please check out Holly Rennick, I've been reading through some of her stuff and yeah, not bad at all, show her some love.

Bit of a delay #3

Posted at

We're working on it, but there's a bit of a delay on three. Expect it soon'ish.

Corrected chapter one

Posted at

Okay, gone through, re read the chapter andddd realized where I might have put offensive writing. You know what, I'm not a cunt, so I deleted the section and reverted it to pre rant about society today and made it less offensive. I want my stories to be read by everyone and do not want to exclude people! If you spot anything else that is wrong/offensive/spelled wrong, however you view it, shoot me an email. I have no problem being challenged on these things!

News & sturff

Posted at

Fixed a typo, spot anymore gimme a shout. Good to see the first chapter is well received. I always wanted the first three chapters to be about James, who and what he is and most importantly why he makes the wishes he does. Tempus Fugit was a good sound board, which much, MUCH help from Steven. I have eight chapters ready to go, and will try to post regularly on Mondays. Steven is editing through them now, any other mistakes are my fault.

FYI, check out Flowers Unfolded, it came up on my feed, she's got a few stories and I highly recommend them! We need more ladies on this site, so show her some love.

Let the rewrite begin

Posted at Updated:

Rewritten with Proxy's much needed help, edited to shit by Steven and NNPDAD. As always my love goes out to these three. This is not finished and it a current work in progress. But I've waited three months for my beloved Proxy to come out of hiding. So, I will post what I've got then work on a schedule for the rest.

This will eventually have sex in it, but at the moment, its character driven and building. Enjoy.



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